[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (2024)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (2)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 2:25 am

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow

Hi all,

I just discovered this site today, though I've had cable [and now DSL] for quite a while. I've had PacBell DSL at my current location since Oct, 2002. Lately, I think, I've been seeing my upstream/upload speed get very slow - 11kbps - 50kbps. I'm on the deluxe package [5 static IPs, 1.5mbps DL/ 128kbps UL]. I was planning on moving to the $80/month plan which would make my UL 256kbps and still maintain my 5 static IPs.

That's when I decided to test out my upload speed and found it so low. I've unplugged all phones in my apartment [all filtered] and the speed tests done on this site and on the PacBell site still show between 11-50 [actually PacBell states 52kbps, and all of broadbandreports testing i have done have ranged between 11-19kbps].

My modem is a speedstream 5360 which i bought in oct 02 as the previous modem got destroyed in a move [i was on pacbell dsl from july - october at a different location, but in the same zip code]. My modem is hooked to a Netgear RT311 router, which is then hooked to a netgear FS108 switch [i have 3 of those switches in my network - one in bedroom 1, one in bedroom 2, and one in the living room]. I have several systems connected [windows 98, 2000, MacOS X, linux, and even my Amiga!]. Running the broadband java-based speed test on the different platforms gives similar results - 11-19kbps UL. Note that my DL speeds are just fine 950kbps - 1.2mbps.

Two of the tests I ran today might help:

»/quali ··· l/978963 [ran at 01:34 EST 1/28/2003]
»/quali ··· l/978499 [ran at 16:04 EST 1/27/2003]

Any hints on what to troubleshoot next? I want to upgrade my UL to 256kbps, but i want to make sure everything is working at 128kbps first.



· actions · 2003-Jan-28 2:25 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Emmett, ID


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 2:36 am

I remember a friend of mine having an Amiga ALONG time ago. I was watching TechTV not that long ago when they said that they were re-releasing a new Amiga computer. What OS does an Amiga run?
That packet loss on the quality tests does not look normal, I am used to seeing 4% or so on medium witha 128 up line, but yours seems to be excessive.
Can you bypass all of your switches and your router and just run one computer straight to the modem? I know it can be quite a headache to try in some cases, but it may help isolate this by getting it down to a minumum configuration.
I also notice that you moved, have you ever used filters on the line, and are you using filters now?
What numbers are on the bottom of the modem? There should be part or serial numbers that the modem can be referenced to, and one in particular that can be fixed with a firmware download.

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 2:36 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (4)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 2:48 am

The Amiga [i actually own 2, but one is in a few pieces being 'upgraded'] runs AmigaOS 3.5, but a new version 4 is coming real soon. The new Amiga will run a linux kernel based OS but have a spiffy GUI. My Amiga 2000 runs on an old Motorola 68040/33mhz! There's PPC acceloraters for it too [even a g3/g4 card], but then you can't run a lot of the older programs]. I used to run NetBSD on the other Amiga2000 box.

I will go ahead and try the one computer/one line deal right now. I have a new Mac PowerBook G4/1ghz that will be easy to setup on the modem. I did use up my alloted 3 speed tests of the day, but so far today i've found this site so useful i'll probably just pay the $10 instead of waiting the extra 20 minutes for midnight to roll around. [Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (5)

The modem has the following numbers...

Part Number 060-5360-123
serial number has the MAC address...oh, there's a small sticker in the corner with firmware info:


Oh, and yes, I've got filters at the new place; we have more phones here and had a major problem with the phones when we first moved in [they were wired for Cox digital]. Because there were more phone jacks [and we bought one more phone] i have one of the phones using a filter that came with a friend's USB DSL modem. But at the moment, all the phones in the apartment are unplugged, filters and all.

I kinda feel stupid in that i'm not sure how long this UL speed has been an issue. I run a w3 server on this IP, and it was a bit slow back in December, but nothing like it has been the past several days [i only started looking at this on saturday when i noticed that from my T3 at work, even my ssh connection was sluggish, but that may have been due to slammer congestion].

Thanks for any tips you can provide!

I'll hook my laptop up to the DSL modem directly now and retry those tests...


· actions · 2003-Jan-28 2:48 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (7)

UorThem to vjl323


2003-Jan-28 3:01 am

to vjl323

You might want to try a direct connection with ONE BEST computer to the DSL MODEM directly and test your speed (turn off your antivirus and firewall, if applicable). Minimum configuration testing always help to isolate/eliminate possibility. The

Confession (click here)

here might help...

Also your line quality suggests that the major losses are at your location. You might want to try unplugging all phone and fax, laser printers & monitors (any of them near the modem?) etc....

Possibly it's about time something start showing ages...

PS> oops, someone beat me to it, ummm, still other possibilities not listed yet, I'll let my post stands still for now...

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:01 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (9)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 3:19 am

Ok, I'm back and using my laptop directly connected to the modem. Did another speed test, and my UL is 26kbps [it has been 11-19kbps]. DL is 1233mbps.

All phones are unplugged. My mac laptop is not running any firewall software, and the only program besides Safari [the w3 browser] running is Finder [eg: windows explorer].

I ran another test available at:
»/quali ··· l/979021

oh...ummm...the modem is 1 foot away from a 19" monitor which is on right now. But this afternoon's quality tests I ran from work [using my home public IP]. While I was at work, the monitor is powered off. Does that matter? [that it's powered off?].

Do the CAT5 and RJ11 cables make a difference here? Is there a specific quality of RJ11 cable I need [same question goes for the CAT5/RJ45].

Thanks for the tips!


· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:19 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (11)



2003-Jan-28 3:34 am

The monitor probably ruled out since it's off with the same bad line quality test results, though 3 ft away from the monitor is recommended (also watch out for those UPS, halogen lights, etc). Does the modem gets hot? Does cooling it down help (setup some fan and blow at it)?

Looks like you need to click that [Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (12) under Matthew 's post and send him an IM [Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (13) with your DSL telephone# for possible tech dispatch with possible charges if the problem is found to be your inside wiring or equipment (the modem is under one year warranty, however)...

It's also a good idea to swap a few cables to see that might help. Regular good quality RJ11 or RJ45 cables is enough, doesn't have to be some special super high quality cable like gold plated, which is overkilled..

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:34 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Emmett, ID

Matthew to vjl323

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 3:34 am

to vjl323

All of the packet loss on those tests show something towards you. Do you have pingplotter or some other software that can run a tracert to www.yahoo.com? I want to see if outbound shows trouble as well.

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:34 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (15)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 3:43 am

I'll find pingplotter and run that. I'm back to my original config right now [router/switch/mulitple computers, etc], and on the linux box i'm on right now, I can run traceroute. Do you want me to IM you with that info? I don't want to bug you on this late evening. :-\


· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:43 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (17)



2003-Jan-28 3:45 am

You can download

PingPlotter from here

..save you a few clicks with the google search engine..

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:45 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Emmett, ID

Matthew to vjl323

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 3:53 am

to vjl323

Please post that info in the forum. I prefer and try to keep trouble shooting in the forum as much possible. The only reason I was out of the forums till late tonight was keeping up with and tracking IM. I see your IM waiting, but I try to keep as much in the forums as possible. Lots of people still go straight to IM, but I think the site works better in public.

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 3:53 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (19)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 4:05 am

Ok, sorry about that. I wasn't all that keen on having my IP posted publicly, that's all. [i just now edited my IP]

Interestingly enough, my last speed test showed 81kbps as my UL, and another one, done 30 seconds ago is at 60kbps. I moved the modem farther away from my router/switch boxes in hopes that might help. The modem gets quite warm, but it is in a well ventalated area. There's no fan on it, though. I'm still testing with all phones unplugged. Since i only discovered this site today, i probably don't have enough data to see if the phones/filters are interferring. I do know that going from my work's T3 to home via visiting my w3 site at home has been super, super slow [like 14.4 modem days].

Traceroute from my IP to www.yahoo.com:

[vjl@dargo ~]$ traceroute www.yahoo.com
traceroute: Warning: www.yahoo.com has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to www.yahoo.akadns.net (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 ( 1.069 ms 1.354 ms 0.997 ms
2 adsl-XX-XXX-XX-XX.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net (XX.XXX.XX.XX) 16.788 ms 14.776 ms 16.062 ms
3 dist1-vlan50.lsan03.pbi.net ( 16.390 ms 15.853 ms 16.101 ms
4 bb2-g1-2.lsan03.pbi.net ( 15.591 ms 15.616 ms 16.419 ms
5 bb1-p14-0.lsan03.pbi.net ( 15.933 ms 17.460 ms 17.516 ms
6 bb1-p12-0.eqlaca.sbcglobal.net ( 17.288 ms 16.271 ms 16.410 ms
7 asn10310-yahoo.eqlaca.sbcglobal.net ( 15.771 ms 16.043 ms 15.387 ms
8 ge-2-2-0-p820.pat2.pao.yahoo.com ( 24.622 ms 24.496 ms 25.867 ms
9 vl28.bas1.scd.yahoo.com ( 31.264 ms 28.468 ms 29.342 ms
10 w5.scd.yahoo.com ( 27.920 ms 27.512 ms 29.447 ms
[vjl@dargo ~]$

And a ping to www.yahoo.com:

[vjl@dargo ~]$ ping www.yahoo.com
PING www.yahoo.akadns.net ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=31.679 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=32.213 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=32.102 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=33.645 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=53 time=33.565 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=34.146 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=53 time=30.834 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=53 time=31.908 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=53 time=31.677 msec
64 bytes from w2.scd.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=53 time=32.361 msec

--- www.yahoo.akadns.net ping statistics ---
11 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 9% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 30.834/32.413/34.146/0.990 ms
[vjl@dargo ~]$


[text was edited by author 2003-01-28 04:17:22]

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:05 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (21)



2003-Jan-28 4:12 am

The ATM paths are looking good, possibly modem or inside wire issues here, betting 80% [Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (22)

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:12 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Emmett, ID

Matthew to vjl323

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 4:21 am

to vjl323

Maybe modem as well, but it is looking like it is towards the prem. The only other thing I would say would be to try it at the MPOE, may be a bit late at night for that though. If that is even an option at the location where DSL is installed. If you live in an apartment or multi- tenant dwelling than it is less likely that you have the test at the MPOE option. Also, while most newer homes will have an SNI installed not all single family residences will.

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:21 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (24)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 4:23 am

Here's the screengrab of pingplot after a run to ping www.yahoo.com


· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:23 am · (locked)


[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (26)

vjl323 to Matthew

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 4:33 am

to Matthew

I live in an apartment and when we were having phone problems [when we moved in, our phones were still set to dial out as Cox digital phonelines], we explored the phone line box outside of our unit; it had a LOT more wires in it than the photos your link refered to. I can check more after work tomorrow, though it'll be dark by the time i get home [but at least i won't be waking up the neighbors! [Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (27) ]

Thanks for all your help toaster2k and U or Them!


· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:33 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Emmett, ID

Matthew to vjl323

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 4:34 am

to vjl323

Loss on the outbound route, maybe someone from SBCIS can pick this up? Set your ping times to every second and see what comes up.

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:34 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (29)

UorThem to vjl323


2003-Jan-28 4:47 am

to vjl323

Actually the pingplotter test should be run right before the distribution box to the rest of your phone jacks or any inside glitch will affect the ping results if you were running the test at one of the many phone jacks..

I did try doing a trace route to those IP addresses where packet losses were shown in your ping plotter graph:
None of them shows any problems on my trace route results...
Guess we can rule out possible ATM problems..

I also try to do a trace route to your 1st hop at but got time out at network 67.116.100.xxx just before your 1st hop, guess you may have firewall there...

We shall see..

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:47 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (31)

vjl323 to Matthew

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 4:55 am

to Matthew

Well, after a ~10-minute outage [not able to visit sites, all ping timeouts, etc], I'm back and the following pingplotter will show you pings to yahoo, 1 sec intervals, look ok:

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 4:55 am · (locked)


[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (33)

vjl323 to UorThem

Premium Member

2003-Jan-28 5:07 am

to UorThem

Well, after that 10-minute outage, my UL speed is basicly normal! a broadbandreports.com speed test showed 109, and an sbcglobal.net speedtest showed 143 UL! All my phones are still unplugged, and the modem has been moved a few feet from the monitor and switch and router. But other than that, nothing else has chnaged [except for that small outage ...maybe someone here flipped a special switch?]

I'm quite puzzled, but maybe it's this fast late at night. Usually I am up coding and not testing out my UL connection. I guess tomorrow afternoon i'll know more.

UorThem - do you mean I could plug my modem into different phone jacks here? I've got a total of 5 jacks in use - 4 phones and one dsl modem [why we have 4 phones in this small place is beyond me, but...].

Ok, I need to get some sleep..need to be at work in 5 hours!

I'll report further info later tomorrow...err..today.

BTW, the IP is my gateway, as assigned by PacBell. my own IP runs via netgear router which only forwards packets addressed to certain ports [eg: it's a poor man's firewall]. My router does respond to pings though, and i can traceroute it from my work server located in the 128.200.17.x IP range...err...well, i can traceroute it until i hit that host, all the remaining requests time out].


· actions · 2003-Jan-28 5:07 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (35)



2003-Jan-28 5:18 am

said by vjl323:UorThem - do you mean I could plug my modem into different phone jacks here? I've got a total of 5 jacks in use - 4 phones and one dsl modem [why we have 4 phones in this small place is beyond me, but...].

Yes, of course, as long as the rest of the phone jacks has filter installed except the one that goes to the modem..

Yeah, looks like a nightly glitch. Well you can setup ping plotter for hours that you are not home, that should be enough data to play with..

· actions · 2003-Jan-28 5:18 am · (locked)


[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (36)



2003-Jan-29 12:47 am

said by vjl323:I've really been wanting to order the 256kbps UL package [5 static IP, 1.5mbps DL] and am curious if I should do that instead and PacBell will then notice the slow UL i have now and fix it w/o me having to open a separate case about it.

Speed upgrade won't trigger a tech visit, it's all done automatically by the system (sometimes manual intervention is needed). It's better to have your problem resolved before upgrading, one at a time...

· actions · 2003-Jan-29 12:47 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (38)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-29 1:10 am

Ok, will do. I'm just now home again and am going to try different wall jacks as well as different rj11/rj45 cable [just to be on the safe side]. Not sure if it matters, but all of our phone jacks are wired for two lines, though we only have one. When we were dealing with getting the Cox lines moved to PacBell, we played around with one of the jacks and actually got the phone working [though it was with the old tennant's cox number!]. I believe we crossed the wires back to their original spot before PacBell took us off of Cox service.

I just hope this is something that doesn't require inside wiring costs. I do know it has gotten a lot worse because my ssh sessions [which i keep up all day at work] are very lagged from my work to my DSL connection at home [and they are always speedy]].

Wish me luck! [Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (39)


· actions · 2003-Jan-29 1:10 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (41)



2003-Jan-29 1:31 am

One possibility is one or more of your phone jack wiring polarity got reversed (Tip and Ring connected Ring and Tip, vice versal). You can purchase that Phone Line Polarity checker from Fry's Electronic or Radio Shack, it basically gives you Green light (for ok) and Red light (guess it)...

· actions · 2003-Jan-29 1:31 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Asheville, NC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (43)


Premium Member

2003-Jan-29 1:49 am

Ok, will do. Question though - would it still matter if the polarity got reversed on a jack that isn't being used [i've got all the phones unplugged in here when conducting these tests, and i am still getting low ULs...lowest one tonight is 6kbps!]

Thanks again for your time...i do appreciate it...


· actions · 2003-Jan-29 1:49 am · (locked)

Is It U Or Them ?
1983 IBM-PC

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (45)



2003-Jan-29 2:56 am

But your modem still using one of those possible reversed jacks, however. The reverse also could be where the line comes in, another possibility..

· actions · 2003-Jan-29 2:56 am · (locked)

[Speed Problem] upstream speed very slow - AT&T West (2024)


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