Resolving a Freightliner code EEC 61 | JustAnswer Blog (2025)

If you’re driving a Freightliner, code EEC 61 is never a good thing to see

Resolving a Freightliner code EEC 61 | JustAnswer Blog (1)

Long distance trucking is hard work, with tight deadlines and even tighter profit margins. When something goes wrong on a run, like a Freightliner code EEC 61, you need answers and you need them fast. That’s why many truckers turn to the mechanical Experts on JustAnswer when they find themselves in a tough spot, and tens of thousands of people read the pages that are generated from those question sessions.

You can learn a lot about people by looking at their collective behavior. On JustAnswer, the visitors to the questions that are generated from the Expert sessions are an indication of the levels of interest in a given topic. Questions in the tax category, for example, see an unsurprisingly huge jump in visitors during tax season. Categories like this are very reactive to external changes.

Resolving a Freightliner code EEC 61 | JustAnswer Blog (2)
Visitors to the JustAnswer tax category for one year

Resolving a Freightliner code EEC 61 | JustAnswer Blog (3)

Visitors to the JustAnswer heavy equipment category for one year

That pattern is a working pattern. Visits spike on Monday, start to drift a bit as the work week draws to a close, and dip on Saturday and Sunday. The pattern of a person who works hard all week, and rests on the weekends. All week, every week, all year.

Trucking is the lifeblood of the US economy, and JustAnswer is tracking the pulse.

Resolving code EEC 61

So, what keeps people coming to JustAnswer with their heavy equipment questions? Let’s take a look at one of the sessions to figure it out.

The most visited question in the heavy equipment category starts with an error code on a Freightliner, code EEC 61. This is a long-distance trucker’s nightmare; hundreds of miles from the nearest service, over a thousand miles from home base, and a truck that may or may not make the drive.

The Expert in this session is bluextc89, a journeyman in industrial hydraulics repair with over 13 years of experience. He responds with the following information:

“EEC 61 is basically saying there is a problem in the After-treatment control module. This is the module the engine uses for the after-treatment system. Your Check Engine Light, and/or your Maintenance light will be on at the same time.

The maintenance light is the light that looks like a solid yellow engine.

Make sure your DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) tank is 1/2 to FULL, you have a indicator on your fuel gauge with 4 green squares, this is your DEF level.

If your DEF got low, it will throw an EEC61, but you need to fill the DEF tank 1/2 full or more. After you drive awhile, after 3 key cycles that light should go off. IF THIS IS THE PROBLEM.

If you do not fill it up, the Engine will Derate to 25%, then if you continue to drive, it will derate you to 5 miles per hour.

This is just a little bit of info, hopefully, it is just low of DEF.

If the truck was low on air pressure when you turned the truck off, the DEF system performs a purge routine to clear the lines, if it does not detect air pressure, it will set this also.

It's driveable unless you run into the DEF issue I listed above. If you continue to have a problem, I suggest taking it to the nearest dealer.”

The customer is quickly able to figure out which of the options is the most likely culprit:

“Def 3/4...but...I got the maint. Light after trying for several minutes to move my the Low air psi note rang likely in my ears...If it is due to low air psi, will the light go away after the third key cycle? Either way, very good answer...Thank you”

And that’s why people keep come to JustAnswer; fast, reliable information that gets you back on the road quickly.

Resolving a Freightliner code EEC 61 | JustAnswer Blog (4)

Regular maintenance of your engine can help prevent problems later.

Freightliner truck maintenance

Of course, no on-the-spot solution can compare with not needing a repair in the first place. Keeping to a realisticmaintenance schedulewill help you to minimize breakdowns by catching problems before they happen. You should refer to yourowner’s manualto determine the best maintenance and troubleshooting practices for your make and model.

Before each long haul, be sure to check the following:

  • Check your oil level.
  • Check your radiator and overflow bottle. Watch for leaks!
  • Test the air pressure in your tires.
  • Check the fuel vent if the truck has been sitting for a few days.
  • Watch out for vibration or squealing noises from the brakes, and have them checked frequently.

As a vehicle ages, you’ll want to increase the frequency of maintenance checks. If you start to catch fines from the FMCSA for Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) violations, it’s a good sign that you should increase the frequency of your maintenance checks.

If you do find yourself out on a long run, and you encounter a problem like a Freightliner code EEC 61, the Experts on JustAnswer are available at any time to help you with yourheavy equipment questions. When you aren’t sure what your best option is, the knowledgeable advice they provide can help you determine if you can push ahead, or if it’s time to take immediate action.

What’s your worst on-the-road heavy equipment experience? Please share it with us in the comments below.

Resolving a Freightliner code EEC 61 | JustAnswer Blog (2025)


How to fix freightliner code eec 61? ›

Make sure your DEF tank is 1/2 to FULL, you have a indicator on your fuel guage with 4 green squares, this is your DEF level. If your DEF got low, it will throw a EEC61, but you need to fill the DEF tank 1/2 full or more. After you drive awhile, after 3 key cycles that light should go off. IF THIS IS THE PROBLEM.

What does EEC stand for on a truck? ›

The Ford EEC or Electronic Engine Control is a series of ECU (or Engine Control Unit) that was designed and built by Ford Motor Company. The first system, EEC I, used processors and components developed by Toshiba in 1973.

What is the code 61 on a Peterbilt engine? ›

Fault Code 61 indicates a failure with the circuit controlling the Rail Motor and the side-to-side movement of the X-Y Shift Finger. Read below to learn how to test, clear and fix fault code errors for your Freightliner, Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Volvo, International, and heavy-duty truck and equipment.

What is code 54525 on Freightliner? ›

Most likely it thinks the DEF tank is empty because you have the 545 25 codes which is the sensor for the level valve in the tank itself. This will also cause you to have the issue wit hteh dpf system when that level sensor is faulting. Have that sensor tested and that level sensor changed out.

What is EEC 61 3364 fail 2 FMI? ›

SPN 3364 Fail 2 is telling you that your Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) has a quality issue, or at least that is what the ACM thinks. There are test strips available to test for DEF contamination. Also your DEF pressure sensors, lines DEF nozzle should be checked.

Are ECU and EEC the same? ›

Definition. FADEC is a system consisting of a digital computer, called an electronic engine controller (EEC) or engine control unit (ECU), and its related accessories that control all aspects of aircraft engine performance.

What is the electronic engine control EEC? ›

Description. The basic purpose of the EEC is to optimise flight performance while protecting each engine and the aircraft against safety risks.

What does the EEC relay control? ›

The EEC relay sends power to the PCM, MAF, fuel pump relay, cooling fan relay, WOT relay, injectors, ignition system and oxygen sensors when the ignition is switched on.

What is error code van 61? ›

Well, this code is VALORANT's way of saying, "Hold on, you're banned." Yes, banned from playing the game.

What is the code for transmission failure? ›

The P0700 code indicates a problem with the transmission. It should not be ignored, because there can be serious drivability problems now and in the future.

What is the code for turbo failure? ›

P2262 is a diagnostic trouble code for “Turbo Boost Pressure Not Detected-Mechanical.” Basically, this code indicates that the turbo or the turbocharger control is damaged and requires immediate attention. Vehicles that face this problem will experience a loss of engine power.

What is EGR on Freightliner? ›

The EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) and DPF (diesel particulate filter) are two such systems. The EGR system is designed to reduce emissions by recirculating some of the engine's exhaust gas back into the engine cylinders, where it is burned again.

What is code 1077 on Freightliner? ›

SPN 1077/FMI 14 - GHG17

The Motor Control Module (MCM) monitors rail pressure during engine shut down and compares it to a stored learned value. If the bleed-down rate has changed due to leakage and it is below the learned value, this code will set.

What is ECM on Freightliner? ›

A truck Engine Control Module, or the ECM, is often times referred to as the engine's “brain”. The ECM is a computer that is attached to the side of the engine with functions such as receiving data from different sources on the truck (input) as well as reporting events or conditions (output).

How do I clear my Cummins fault code? ›

Software and a diagnostic tool are generally needed for this. Using a code reader tool, connect to the ECM and find the “fault codes” tab. The displayed codes can generally be clicked on one by one. Another option is to select “erase all faults” and then follow the onscreen instructions.

How to clear permanent codes on dd15? ›

Some of the "permanent" codes will remain until the truck is driven, or a regen performed, or driven two times (on the turbo codes) in which the truck will then clear the code on its own. However, with DDDL, the fault should clear out and remain off until the truck is started.

What is the ATS electrical system for a Freightliner? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. On a Freightliner truck, ATS stands for Automatic Traction Control System, which helps maintain vehicle stability and traction. It automatically adjusts braking and engine power when sensing wheel slip.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.