Overload Gear Priority - June 2024 | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Changelog
  • Introduction
  • Table Explained
    • Numbers Explained
  • High Priority Units
    • Red Hood [1]
    • Scarlet [5]
    • Scarlet: Black Shadow [3]
    • Alice [4]
    • Maxwell [6]
    • Snow White [7]
    • Modernia [2]
  • Mid Priority Units
    • Ludmilla: Winter Owner [1]
    • Anis: Sparkling Summer [2]
    • Dorothy [3]
    • Rem [4]
    • Noir [6]
    • Naga [5]
    • D:killer wife [7]
  • Low Priority Units
    • A2 [4]
    • Emilia [1]
    • 2B [2]
    • Guillotine [3]
    • Rapunzel [6]
    • Noise [5]
  • Archetypes
    • AR
    • SMG
    • Rocket Launcher
    • Sniper
    • Shotguns
  • Machine Guns


  • Added Rem, Emilia, D:killer Wife


To understand how overload equipment works, click here. Overloading gear are very big investments and the main resource used, custom modules, are scarce. This guide aims to hopefully guide you to the right direction on deciding which units to overload gears and what sub-stats should be rolled for them.

Table Explained

Priority Units are Units that benefit the most from overloaded gear, and where they stand in the meta if they are worth Overloading as well.

Priority is what sub-stat you want the most on said character on a scale of 0* to 5*, with 0* being not worth considering, 1* being least important, 5* being most important.

Recommended is how many rolls you want on the sub-stat (For example, 4 lines of max ammo = 4x). Notes are my explanations on why I think the sub-stat is important.

If a sub-stat for a unit has a Priority of 1* but has 0x recommended, it means that while this particular sub-stat is not exactly recommended for the unit, it doesn’t hurt to have this stat either as it still benefits said character if your stat re-rolls weren’t ideal.

Specific names not listed means that they are not quite worth spending Crystals / Investing towards, but would rather fall into “Archetypes” if the user wishes to do so anyways for stat sticks.

Nikkes’ names are colored corresponding to their element codes. For example, Scarlet is Z.E.U.S, which is purple in game, so Scarlet’s name will be colored purple here.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase ATK☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Numbers Explained

The numbers beside each Nikke represents what order that is recommended to overload them, to better clarify which Nikkes to overload first. 1 being most priority.

High Priority Units

Note: Element Damage Dealt is a rather niche roll, but it’s at least recommended to get at least 1-2x as they are game changers in Union Raids | Solo Raid competitions. Because it essentially multiplies your final damage.

Red Hood [1]

red hood

Note: A much more friendly version of Alice while dealing similar damage. Not only that, she is also easier to build because of less restrictive rolls that are required when compared to other Meta DPS Nikkes. Amazing Nikke to overload first.

Note 2: Yes, Red hood is iron element, surprising no?

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆4xwanted for Union raids and Solo raid content.
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★☆☆☆1xShe gets unlimited ammo during her burst. However one roll is still wanted because of her off-burst damage and burst generation abilities.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xSimply more damage.
Increase Charge Damage★★☆☆☆0xGood to have, can be replaced with better options
Increase Charge Speed★★★★☆3-4xRed hood has pretty high innate charge speed, putting even more rolls would make her fire rather fast off-burst. Excess charge speed is converted into charge damage anyways during burst.
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Scarlet [5]


Note: Pretty great unit from early – late game. OL’s grant her much needed max ammo capacity to off-set her innate low ammo count. One of the most beginner friendly DPS’s.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)Priority RecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆2-4xComes useful situationally. (UR raids such as Black smith, Thermite)
Increase Hit Rate★★★☆☆2-4xAble to hit Cores easier on bosses with small cores.
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★★4xWants all ammo possible. get ASAP
Increase ATK★★★☆☆2xMore attack is never bad, however this stat gets bloated from her passive, giving so much attack already.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Scarlet: Black Shadow [3]

Scarlet: Black Shadow

Note: Very versatile Nikke that can be used in every game mode and excel at it. She isn’t Overload dependent but would still love to have them for the stat increases. Immense raw damage potential.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★★4xwanted for Union raids and Solo raid content.
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★☆☆☆☆0-1xHer Main teams will supply her with enough ammo for her to have full uptime on her burst (where most of her damage is).
Increase ATK★★★★☆4xSimply more damage.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed★★☆☆☆1xWants at least a 4.9% Charge speed roll so she can launch one more attack during burst.
Increase Critical Rate★★★☆☆3-4xMax Ammo rolls not wanted, can roll into here instead
Increase Critical Damage★★★☆☆3-4xMax Ammo rolls not wanted, can roll into here instead
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Alice [4]


Note: Amazing at late game, assuming high investments and proper OL’s. Alice mostly wants Max ammo and charge speed (1 if paired with Maxwell, 2 for solo use). Alice’s charge speed should have around ~7.5%+ from OL rolls to benefit from instant charge if not paired with Maxwell and skill investment is 10/x/10.

Reference Video: Here

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2-4xUseful against bosses such as Train
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★★2-4xGet ASAP, will be spamming sniper shots with Alice when high charge speed is achieved, mandatory for high DPS
Increase ATK★★★☆☆2-4xShe scales pretty well with attack rolls
Increase Charge Damage★★☆☆☆1-2x
Increase Charge Speed★★★☆☆1-2x1 only needed if paired with Maxwell, as you will cap 100% charge speed at high skill investments.
Otherwise, have 2 Charge speed rolls to reach 100% charge speed in any team.
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Maxwell [6]


Note: OL simply for more burst damage. Be aware that she can steal her own Skill 1 attack buff if her attack is high enough. Her Skill 1 passive accounts for the increased ATK from OL rolls in regards on who to buff.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xComes useful situationally.
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★☆☆1xSpam shot Burst gen if needed.
Increase ATK★★★★★2-4xMore damage for burst NUKE.
Increase Charge Damage★★★★☆2-4xMore damage for burst NUKE pt.2
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★★☆☆1-2x
Increase Critical Damage★★★☆☆1-2x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Snow White [7]

Snow white

Note: Massive burst damage. Amazing Nikke when dealing against raptures with many parts/Regenerating parts. (Notably on Solo Raid and Union Raid). Also a solid campaign clearer with high investments.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xSituationally Useful
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase ATK★★★★★4xNUUUUUKE
Increase Charge Damage★☆☆☆☆0xSimply adds too little Charge DMG% to her burst (Base 1000%), Charge damage increase is additive, not multiplicative.
Increase Charge Speed★★☆☆☆1-2xIncreases the amount of charge SW can do when under Liter | Novel buffs, before expiring.
Increase Critical Rate★★★☆☆2xNUUUUUKE
Increase Critical Damage★★★☆☆2xNUUUUUKE
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Modernia [2]


Note: Amazing early – late game unit. Needs max ammo to definitely ramp up her damage. She greatly benefits from Crit rate too as her kit has innate Crit damage buffs.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2-4xUseful against core bosses such as Train
Increase Hit Rate★☆☆☆☆0-1xHer ATK up passive can have full uptime without the assistance of Cooldown reduction Nikkes via her skill 2 (15s). Hit rate OL’s makes this buff guaranteed, however very much not needed.
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★☆3-4xUseful for keeping her stacks, less wind-up time from MG via less reloads/ paired with bastion cube
Increase ATK★★★★★4xModernia Scales really well with ATK
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★★★☆2-4xShe has a lot of crit DMG buffs built into her kit, which makes crit rate actually worth more compared to other units.
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Mid Priority Units

Ludmilla: Winter Owner [1]

Ludmilla: Winter Owner

Note: Great boss killer, almost on par with Modernia but easier to build. She’s only in Mid Priority as she isn’t as oppressive as Modernia in Campaign. Slightly benefits from crit rate and crit damage rolls due to innate crit rate in her kit compared to other Nikkes.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆4xwanted for Union raids and Solo raid content.
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★☆2-4xLudmilla already has high uptime because of her skill kit. So max ammo isn’t too mandatory, however 2x ammo rolls is still very recommended. This also enables infinite uptime for bunny team.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xSimply more damage.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★★☆☆2xHas in-built crit rate in her skills, so going for crit based rolls is decent.
Increase Critical Damage★★★☆☆2xHas in-built crit rate in her skills, so going for crit based rolls is decent.
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Anis: Sparkling Summer [2]

Anis: Sparkling Summer

Note: Great support that gets stronger with more investment. Her skill 1 benefits from more base attack so OL’ing her Helm and gloves are more priority than others. Max ammo directly nerfs her damage as it will take longer for her to proc her skill 2 (her main damage source). Limited Unit

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆2-4xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate★★☆☆☆1-4xAble to hit cores easier.
Increase Max Ammunition CapacityNODO NOTSTOP
Increase ATK★★★★★4xShotguns scale really well with ATK. Does not improve her skill 1 buffs.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★★★☆2-4xMax ammo not wanted, can roll into this instead
Increase Critical Damage★★★★☆2-4xMax ammo not wanted, can roll into this instead
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Dorothy [3]


Note: Great support that is capable to do very solid damage while also giving CDR. Max ammo directly nerfs her CDR capabilities.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2-4xSituationally very useful. does NOT affect her burst damage though.
Increase Hit Rate★★★★☆3-4xEasier Core hits, more valuable now since Max Ammo capacity is unwanted.
Increase Max Ammunition CapacityNO—–STOP
Increase ATK★★★★★4xMore ATK, always means better, especially since she does good personal damage despite being a b1
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x——
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x——
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆1-2x——
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆1-2x——
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x——

Rem [4]


Note: Needs heavy investment for her to start healing well, which includes overloaded gear and good equipment rolls. She also has good personal damage

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★★4xwanted for Union raids and Solo raid content. Can open up a more risky team for her in Solo Raid
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x—-
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★☆3-4xRem is absolutely hungry for max ammo.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xSimply more damage.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x—-
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★★★☆☆3-4xHigh Base Crit rate from burst, making critical damage rolls wanted.
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x—-

Noir [6]


Note: Good support that benefits from Helmet and Glove OL’s as it buffs her skill 1 ATK boost. Best in slot for every boss fight (when paired with blanc), might as well OL her.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆2-4xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate★★★★☆1-4xWith enough hit rate rolls, Noir might as well become a sniper rifle
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★☆☆2-4xMax ammo is never bad, however she reloads extremely fast and has mag refund too. It’s pretty much diminishing returns, better to focus on other stats after having 2x rolls.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xShotguns scale really well with ATK. Does not improve her skill 1 buffs.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆1-2xSG’s Can’t Core hit very well, Critical Damage/Rate is more useful for them
(Core hits and Crit damage are in the same bracket in the damage formula)
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆1-2xSG’s Can’t Core hit very well, Critical Damage/Rate is more useful for them
(Core hits and Crit damage share the same bracket in the damage formula)
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Naga [5]


Note: Staple Boss killer support duo when paired with Tia. Overloads are wanted mostly for increased ATK buffs from her burst and healing capabilities

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★★4xSituationally useful, No other wanted rolls.
Increase Hit Rate★★★☆☆2-4xWith enough Hit rate, she can actually benefit from her core damage buff.
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★☆☆☆1-2xReload speed is fast, downtimes on shotguns are low. 1-2x is good enough.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xShotguns will always greatly benefit from ATK rolls despite being a support.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

D:killer wife [7]

D: Killer wife

Notes: Pretty much just wants one+ Max ammo roll to make her CDR more smooth. Doesn’t need anything else besides that

Low Priority Units

A2 [4]


Note: Great early game unit for clearing campaign, however falls off in hard mode campaign under high deficits. Niche boss killer as she requires bosses with strong parts for her to deal respectable damage. Exceeds scarlets damage at 2+ parts. Limited Unit

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆2-4xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0xUseless on RL’s
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★☆☆☆1-2xReload speed is fast, her attack speed is rather slow as well. Not too needed
Increase ATK★★★★★4xAbsolutely wants ATK rolls
Increase Charge Damage★★★☆☆1-2x
Increase Charge Speed★★★★☆3-4xBenefits slightly less because of animation delay.
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Emilia [1]


Note: Similar to A2, however, has more use cases in bosses due to a better skill set

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆4xCampaign Clearing / Raid Content
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0xUseless on RL’s
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★☆☆2xSlight Damage boost and for uptime purposes
Increase ATK★★★★★4xAbsolutely wants ATK rolls
Increase Charge Damage★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed★★★★☆3-4xFaster burst generation all around/ More DPS.
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

2B [2]


Note: Good unit, however doesn’t excel in all contents of the game, and is considered rather “Niche”. Will be mostly used for bosses. Limited Unit

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆2-4xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate★★☆☆☆1-2xAble to hit cores easier, less priority as her auto attack values are pretty bad.
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★☆☆☆0-1xAlready has enough ammo and reload speed, However having one roll would still be nice
Increase ATK★★☆☆☆0-2xDoesn’t scale well with ATK rolls, but it is still something
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★★★★4xmore Burst DMG consistency
Increase Critical Damage★★★★★4xForNUKING
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Guillotine [3]


Note: Post buff, she became a pretty solid unit. However Guillotine late game usage is more focused on Union raid | Solo raid purposes, more specifically on electric weak opponents. Do not OL if you’re not very interested in those game modes.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★★4xShe’ll be used for electric weak bosses.
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0xMG’s have laser accuracy if fired long enough.
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★☆3-4xLess reloads = less wind up times, which means a lot more damage.
Increase ATK★★★★☆4xSimply more damage.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆2x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆2x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Rapunzel [6]


Note: A good healer that is used in PvP and PvE.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★☆2x-4xLess reload time = more healing
Increase ATK★★★☆☆0x
Increase Charge Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed★★★★★4xVery important for her healing
Note: Get at least 2-3 Max Ammo lines first/ Don’t Prioritize or replace a Max ammo Line for Charge speed
Increase Critical Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF★☆☆☆☆0x

Noise [5]


Note: OL if wanted for Strictly PvP purposes in mind as noise is a staple tank there. Extra Health on Campaign/PvE is only an added bonus. Focus For Chest, Helm, and Boots in order. Chest only is totally fine if not wanting to spend more resources on her.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity☆☆☆☆☆0xMore ammo gimps her healing capabilities in PvP (Self heal from skill 2 proc).
Increase ATK★★★☆☆2x
Increase Charge Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed★★★★★4xTakes less time to empty her clip and reload. Reloading and shooting the first bullet will activate her healing proc on s2 in Arena.
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF★★★★☆3-4xMore survivability.


This is the section of where all the unlisted Nikke’s will fall into a weapon archetype. Where they don’t follow special/ specific rolls and are more generalized. OL’ing unlisted characters are mostly for the purposes for stat stick for Combat Power for Campaign / Arena.


Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate★★★☆☆2-4xMore core hits
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★☆☆1-2xThey have high base reload speed anyways.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xMore damage
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x


Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate★★★☆☆2-4xMore core hits/ ability to actually hit things mid range
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★☆☆1-2xFast reload Speed anyways (Exception of novel, she benefits rather quite a bit from this via faster stacks)
Increase ATK★★★★★4xMore damage
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Rocket Launcher

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆1-2xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★★2-4xMore Spam shots for burst generation
Increase ATK★★★☆☆2xMore damage
Increase Charge Damage★★★☆☆2-4x
Increase Charge Speed★★★☆☆2-4x
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x


Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★★2-3xMore spam shots for burst gen if needed
Increase ATK★★★☆☆2-4xMore damage
Increase Charge Damage★★★☆☆2x
Increase Charge Speed★★★☆☆2-4x
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x


Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate★★★☆☆1-4xUseful when using in campaign, less against bosses. May be able to hit boss core more often nonetheless
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★☆2-4xAmmo is useful, however, having Ammo+ will invalidate fast reload speed and priv combo (shoots faster with higher reload speed and mag debuff from privaty), still really good though.
Do NOT have this roll on Pepper though. This roll will hugely gimp her Healing capability.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xShotguns scale really well with attk
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆0xSG’s Can’t Core hit very well, Critical Damage/Rate is more useful for them
(Core hits and Crit damage share the same bracket in the damage formula)
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆0xSG’s Can’t Core hit very well, Critical Damage/Rate is more useful for them
(Core hits and Crit damage share the same bracket in the damage formula)
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x

Machine Guns

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★☆☆2xSituationally useful
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0xMg’s have laser point accuracy if fired long enough, not needed at all.
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★★3-4xExtremely useful to reducing the downtime of MG’s, as you want to reload as little as possible due to wind-up time and long reload times.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xMG’s scale really well with attack.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★★☆☆☆1-2x
Increase Critical Damage★★☆☆☆1-2x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x
Overload Gear Priority - June 2024 | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.