Lost & Found - Lowkeyloveloki (2024)

Under different circ*mstances, Ghost might have said that the sight before him was exceptionally beautiful and calming. Snowflakes swirl around him, settling on his team's hats and uniforms.
If he ever decided to leave the Task Force and start a normal life, this is how he would want to live. Buy a house in the mountains and spend every evening by the fireplace, looking at the snow outside the window.
But now it's not as pleasant as he would like. Despite gloves, a hat and quite warm clothes, the cold seeped into his bones. He won't last much longer, nor will any of his companions. They need to find some shelter.
He doesn't know how long they had to walk to find this barely holding-together village. Most of the cottages look as if the next snowstorm might destroy them, and there are at most five of them in the area.
They enter one of the more well-kept houses, looking for warmth and a moment of peace. It's unusually warm here and his tense body, although still shaking, begins to relax slightly.
He looks around as his friends have already made themselves comfortable in what looks very much like a living room.
"Guys-" his voice trails off as he hears the gun being co*cked behind him.
He knew it was too good to be true.
"Guess we're not alone here" he muttered, slowly raising his hands up in surrender.
His voice is slightly irritated, despite the fact that he is the one who trespassed on your territory and the one who has a gun to the back of his head.

As they held the gun to the back of his head, all of his comrades froze in place. “Who are you? How did you find me?” She says trying to sound threatening as she held a gun to a man almost triple my size.

The man in front of Y/n looks like a real mountain of muscles. His hands are huge and covered with large muscles, and just by looking at himY/n can tell that he's incredibly strong. There is no fear of death in his calm face.
"It's quite a long story," he says with a sigh, feeling the barrel of the gun press into the back of his head, "but if you could stop pointing a gun at the back of my head we could discuss everything like normal humans."
“Sit—“ She clears her throat to try to sound more menacing “sit down on the couches with your buddies. Slowly. No one make any sudden moves”
Ghost lets out a sigh as his hands fall limply to his sides. He gives a short nod.
"Sure thing" he says and slowly, without making any sudden moves, sits on the couch near his friends.
as Ghost sits, he finally gets a good look at me. She is a short woman, the gun shaking slightly in her hands as I pointed it at the big man and his 3 also large buddies.
Ghost has to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes in annoyance. Not only is it a woman with a gun to his head, but she looks completely helpless. He might not be a genius, but he's sure he can get out of this situation. He just needs an opportunity and the right moment.
"How about you lower the gun, sweetheart? I won't touch you, I promise."
My finger goes to the trigger “don’t move.” She says as she points it at him “please” a small desperate plead
"Hey, it's fine" he said calmly, his deep, gravelly, slightly hoarse voice surprisingly soft for someone who looks like him.
Even he was surprised at how gently he spoke to this woman who aimed a gun at the back of his head without any hesitation before she even saw his face.
"Let's talk" he sighed and gave a slight nod, "but you gotta relax. I won't hurt you"
“Your— your guns..” She nervously and panickedly stumbled with her words. “Slowly take them out and place them on the floor in front of you.”
He gave a short exhale, he could hear Y/n panicking, and the gun was still pressed against the back of his head, but he did as she said.
Ghost starts slowly unbuckling his equipment and taking the weapons out, placing them on the floor in front of his feet.
All of his comrades did the same. “Now.— push them away from you..”
He looks at his friends for a moment and they give a quick nod. They don't want a fight and they know that right now they are not in a condition to do anything but follow the orders of a woman with a gun.
He pushes his guns away from himself, looking at Y/n and noticing how nervous and panicked her eyes are.
Y/n quickly kicked all of their weapons closer and behind her. “Who— who sent you? How— how did you find this place?”
"Sent me?" he gives an almost bitter laugh, "no one sent me. We're here on a mission to destroy a terrorist base, but the snowstorm hit too quickly and we were looking for a house to spend the night" he explains and his friends in the background nodded with agreement.
“I— I don’t believe you..”
"What reason do I have to lie to you, hm?" he asks with an arched eyebrow and a light mocking in his voice.
"We broke into your home and instead of shooting us, you're still pointing a gun at the back of my head. You don't want to hurt us, so relax sweetheart"
“You— you could be here to bring me back—“
"Bring you back?" he asks, tilting his head to the side slightly, "back where? And to whom?"
His eyes go over her small body up and down in curiosity. She looks like a young woman, probably early in her twenties, and he highly doubts that she's a terrorist.
“To him..”
"Well, I don't know who 'he' is," he says bluntly, his eyes never leaving her, "but I'm not here to take you anywhere. All I care about is rest and a warm place for the night"
She lowers her gun. “Fine.” Y/n’s hands are still shaking, “but I’m locking your weapons up, you can have them back when you leave.” She says as she nervously picks up all of their weapons
Ghost is a bit surprised when she lowers the gun and his body physically relaxes when he no longer feels the barrel pressed to the back of his head. He watches her pick up their weapons and he is quite sure that she will probably hide them somewhere nearby.
"Thank you" he says gently, his voice sounding warmer than before. "So, I assume I'll finally get to know the name of the woman who welcomed us with a gun pointed at my head"
“… Y/n..” She says quietly as she locks their guns in the closet. Y/n tucks her gun into a holster on my hip.
A small smile appears on his lips as he leans back onto the couch. The feeling of finally sitting on something soft reminds him that he hasn't done it for a long time.
"Nice meeting you, Y/n" he stretches slightly, his eyes still on her as she tucks her gun into her holster. The thought that perhaps she's not as helpless as he thought flashes through his mind.
“You guys are a long way from nowhere…”
He nods, sighing in agreement, "Yeah, and we've been walking in a snowstorm for 2 days" his eyes glance at his friends sitting on other couches. They also look very exhausted.
“I.. there isn’t much here.. but you guys can stay until the storm stops.. but if you try anything, i'll shoot you”
"We won't do anything" he promises. They are in no condition for a fight.
"But how about you? You live here?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n nods hesitantly “kind of.” She says as she walks into the kitchen
He looks after her as she goes into the kitchen. His eyes wander over her figure before he realizes what he was doing and turns back to his friends.
"I think we lucked out" he muttered quietly so that only his buddies could hear him.
Y/n pokes her head out of the kitchen “I have coffee, tea, and hot chocolate… which ones would you like?” She says shyly.
"Coffee would be great" Ghost responds and leans back into the couch with a yawn. Just the thought of being able to have a hot cup of coffee makes his body relax even more.
"Do you need some help?" he asks, but before she can even respond, he's already getting up from the couch to come to the kitchen.
She turns and sees him walk into the kitchen. “It’s alright.” She says quietly as she starts making the coffee.
"I insist," he says as he comes closer to her. He leans against the nearest counter and looks at her with a faint smile. "I should apologize for forcing my way into your house and I want to thank you for the invitation"
He can't help but notice the sharp contrast between her and himself. She's short, petite and looks almost fragile, while he is the complete opposite. He could easily overpower her and throw her across the room if he wanted to, but instead they are just having a casual conversation.
Y/n nods “you gave me quite the fright.. but it’s okay.”
He laughs softly, a low, velvety sound that fills the kitchen. "Did I? Sorry about that, I didn't intend to"
He stays close to her, his eyes following her every move as she makes coffee. "Now that you know we're not here to hurt you, do you mind telling me why you're so freaked out? And who's that "he" you were talking about?" he asks curiously.
She shakes her head “how do you like your coffee? Cream? Sugar?”
"Black, no sugar" he answers easily. He takes the moment to take a closer look at her. His eyes trail slightly over her feminine, soft features.
"Are you gonna answer my question, darlin'?" he drawls, a light, teasing tone in his voice.
Y/n shakes her head. She slowly hands him his hot mug of coffee, she grabs three more and makes her way back into the living area and hands the coffees to the other soldiers.
He slowly takes the mug and takes a sip of the hot beverage. He holds back a groan of satisfaction as the strong and hot coffee fills his mouth and warms his insides. After a few days of eating only dried meat rations and nothing more, a fresh, hot cup of coffee seems like gourmet food.
He follows Y/n into the living room and watches her hand the other mugs to his friends who sigh with contentment as they take their coffee.
“There are two bathrooms, one down this hallway, and another in my bedroom.. and I only have one guest room with a queen size bed. One of you can stay on the couch, two in the guest room, and I think I have an air mattress in the basem*nt that I can go grab.”
He nods to her words, taking another sip of hot coffee from his mug. "Thanks a lot, it's nice of you" he can't help but notice that she mentions the bed in HER room. It looks like she sleeps alone here. He doesn't know why he's concerned about this fact.
He looks over at his friends, "There's no need for the air mattress" he says, taking another sip of coffee. "One of us can sleep on the couch and the other two will share the bed."
She nods. “We have hot running water… if you guys would like to shower, one of you can use the shower in my room and another in the hallway bathroom if you’d like”
His eyebrows raise slightly in both surprise and interest. "That sounds great, we could all use a hot shower" he says and looks around at his friends. "Soap and Gaz, I can't bear another minute looking at you" he says with a mocking grimace, which causes a slightly irritated groan from the other two.

"We'll be quick and out of your hair, don't worry" he reassures her.
Y/n shows the three men where the bathroom is in the hallway and the guest bedroom. She also shows them the bathroom in her room. She leaves them to settle in.
Ghost walks into Y/n’s room and into the bathroom, undresses and steps into the hot shower. The warm water running over his cold body is almost like a small paradise after being in the cold for so long.
A small sigh of satisfaction leaves his lips and he stands under the water spray for a moment, just enjoying the heat and feeling it soothe his tense muscles.
Ghost uses the shower in my bathroom, and Soap uses the one in the hall. These men were all huge, Y/n didn’t have many clean clothes that would fit them. She knocked on the guest bedroom door and handed Gaz two pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts that would fit him and Soap.
She then knocked on the bathroom door in her room while Ghost showered.
Ghost was in the middle of washing himself with some of her shampoo and Soap, and was surprised when he heard a knock on the door. "What?" he asks, assuming it's Soap or Gaz playing around.
“I— I have some clothes you can wear… I— I can leave them outside the door…”
"Thanks" he shouts, making sure his voice is clear enough through the water and the door. He stops washing himself for a moment to open the door slightly enough to stick his hand out and grab the clothes. "I'll be out in a minute"
After making sure he's got everything, he closes the door again, turns off the water, and uses a towel to dry himself off as he looks at what she gave him.
Y/n is in the kitchen finishing up cooking a hot meal when the men come in. Gaz and Soap look absolutely entranced with the aroma of food filling the house. Ghost looks at me
When Ghost comes into the kitchen, he nods at the sight of Gaz and Soap drooling over the scent of food. He's in the same sweatpants and sweatshirt she gave him, and the material feels soft on his skin.
His eyes go immediately to her, looking her up and down for a moment before clearing his throat and speaking. "Thank you for the clothes" he says with a small, faint smile.
Y/n nods “I'm glad I had a few things that would fit you guys.. later, I can wash your uniforms if you’d like..” She says shyly.
Ghost's smile becomes a bit wider at her shyness. He's used to women falling all over him, giggling and flirting, but Y/n seems to be different. The fact that she is both timid and gentle with them, and helps them out, makes her incredibly fascinating.
He nods eagerly, "That would be great, thanks, love." He says and he sits down at the table, his eyes following her as she moves around the kitchen.
Y/n tries to reach up to the top shelf to grab the plates. Usually only having to cook for herself, so the stuff to serve multiple people was tucked away out of reach. Standing on her tippy toes, she can almost inch them off of the shelf.
Ghost's lips quirked slightly as he watches her struggling to get the plates from the upper shelf. The sight of her on her tiptoes as she struggles to reach them seems both amusing and endearing to him.
He stays seated for a moment before finally standing up and walking up behind her. He presses his front to her back and reaches up, easily grabbing the plates with one hand.
Y/n’s breath hitched at the feeling of him. Her eyes watching as he grabs the plates and hands them to her. She looks up at his eyes over her shoulder, her face blushing “.. thank you” She sayS quietly
As he stands next to her, pressing slightly against her back, he can't help but notice the way her breath hitches, how she's practically shivering beneath him. It's obvious that she's sensitive and responsive, and the sight makes him smirk.
He leans down slightly, his lips near her ear and his hot breath brushes against her skin as he whispers. "My pleasure, love."
Her face turns a deeper shade of red. And she silently nods.
Her blushing skin looks almost endearing to him. Ghost is a man who loves the thrill and the game. Knowing that he can make Y/n flustered and nervous with just his presence and body pressed against her makes the smirk on his lips grow wider.
He takes a moment before finally pulling away. He goes back to the table and takes a seat, his eyes watching her as she gathers the food onto the plates.
Y/n places the plates in front of them all. Then brings several plates of food and place them in the center of the table. She watches as Gaz and Soap basically pile food high on their plates
Ghost chuckles softly, watching Gaz and Soap eagerly filling their plates with food. "Those two always act like they've been starved their whole lives." he says and looks over at Y/n with a smile.
She softly smiled “It’s okay, I haven’t gotten to cook for anyone else in a while, so it’s nice…” She said quietly.
Ghost watches her with a tender expression as she speaks quietly, he can hear the loneliness behind her words. He shakes his head, hating the idea of her being lonely.
"Well, then it's good that we came by, right, lads?" he says jokingly to Gaz and Soap. "She can spoil us for a while with her good cooking, eh?"
Y/n smiled warmly at them as she began eating herself.
Gaz and Soap both start eating their food, almost shoving it into their mouths. "This is great," Gaz says between two bites.
Ghost shakes his head amusedly at them, then turns his gaze back to Y/n. "They act like starved dogs." he jokes and starts eating as well.
After dinner, Soap and Gaz head to the guest room to sleep. Ghost is on the couch, he’s sitting in front of the fire. Y/n walks into the room and silently goes to hand him a hot mug of hot chocolate. She realizes that her cat had come out of hiding and was sitting in Ghost's lap while his big hand pet her. She sits in the armchair near the fire, and sips her hot chocolate, “she’s usually afraid of people.. I’m surprised she came out of hiding”
Ghost is curled up on the couch, a hot mug of cocoa warming his hands as the fire crackles in the background. He chuckles softly as the cat slowly pads up to him and jumps into his lap, and he begins to pet her silky fur.
"She just knows a good man when she sees one." he teases with a smirk, glancing over at Y/n. He continues to pet the cat, feeling the weight of her on his lap as he watches Y/n sit across from him. "Who's a good girl?" he mumbles lowly to the cat.
Y/n stares down at her hot chocolate and her face blushing slightly at hearing Ghost mumble those words to her cat.
Ghost catches the sight of Y/n's blush in the low light and he smiles to himself, loving how easily she gets affected by his voice and words. He enjoys teasing her, he likes to see her flustered and shy.
He continues to pet the cat, scratching behind her ear and rubbing down her small neck. He chuckles softly when he notices the cat making biscuits on his lap.
“Well, I'm going to head to bed.. if you need anything, just wake me up.. and help yourself to whatever..” She says as she walks past the couch
Ghost looks up as he hears her getting ready to go to bed, and he nods. "Thanks, love." he says with a faint smile. He pets the cat for a moment, feeling her little claws scratch his trousers, and he finally lets her go.
He settles further into the couch, feeling the hot cocoa warm up his chest and the fire warms up his back. The feeling of comfort surrounds him, and he enjoys the moment of solitude in the dimly lit room.
Ghost is soundly asleep on the couch with Y/n’s cat laying on his chest. He is suddenly woken up to a panicked scream from Y/n’s room.
Ghost jolts up as he hears the piercing scream coming from Y/n's room. He instantly goes on high alert, his whole body tensing up and his heart going wild.
He quickly shoves the cat off his chest as he jumps to his feet, the sleep clearing from his mind and being replaced with full war readiness. He sprints to the doorway of Y/n's room.
When Ghost bursts into her room, she is sitting up in bed. Her sheets are tangled around her, sweat on her forehead, her breath is heavy
Ghost's eyes quickly scan the room and focus on Y/n's bed. He can see Y/n is in distress, her sheets tangled, sweat dampening her forehead and her breath fast and heavy. Instantly, his mind starts running a mile per minute as he imagines the potential dangers. He stays frozen in the doorway for a moment before speaking.
"What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" he asks urgently, his voice low and intense.
Y/n gasps as she registers Ghost in her doorway, having forgot he was even here. She swings her legs over the edge of the bed and runs her hands through her hair, “sh*t, sorry.” She says quietly. Ghost was surprised to hear her swear. “Just a bad dream.. I didn’t mean to wake you.” She said as she ran a hand over her face.
Ghost's demeanor immediately shifts, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he leans against the doorway. He can't deny that seeing her scared and vulnerable like this was slightly appealing.
He crosses his arms over his chest and asks with a low, raspy, and soothing voice. "What was the dream about?". He stays in the door frame, keeping his distance from her, but at the same time his body is screaming to get to her.
Y/n shakes her head. She stands up and grabs her robe and puts her slippers on. She slips past him and walks towards the kitchen. He follows her, and she begins heating up the tea kettle. Her hands resting on the countertop, head hung low to her chest.
Ghost's gaze follows Y/n as she walks past him towards the kitchen, silently watching her go. His mind is still running, filled with questions and slight confusion. He follows her, his eyes on her figure the whole time.
He stays behind her leaning against the wall as she heats up the tea kettle, he can tell she is still shaken up from the nightmare. He remains quiet as he watches her, waiting for her to speak first.
Y/n pours two cups of tea. She slides one towards Ghost as she leans on the counter and sip hers.
Ghost takes the offered cup from Y/n and sips it as well, the hot liquid warming his chest as he swallows. His eyes flicker over her face, observing her in the near-darkness of the kitchen.
He waits a moment before finally speaking, his voice low and raspier than before. "You sure you're alright?" he asks, his brow furrowing as he looks at her closely.
Y/n quietly nods, but her eyes are staring blankly ahead of her, seemingly a million miles away.
Ghost's eyes fixate on her face, observing her expression closely. He can see the distance in her eyes, the way she's clearly still not fully recovered from the nightmare.
As he watches her, he can't help but get the strange desire to touch her. To soothe her and comfort her. Something about her vulnerability sparks an almost primal reaction in him.
The desire to touch her is so strong and his mind is screaming at him. But he clenches his fingers in a fist instead, forcing himself to hold back. He clears his throat and says “What was your nightmare about?”
Y/n closes her eyes and shakes her head.
Ghost watches her closely, his eyes taking in every expression and movement. He can tell that she doesn't want to share the details of her nightmare, but his mind is now filled with questions. Why won't she tell him? Is it that bad? Does she not trust him? Or is she that afraid of the memory?
His body leans away from the wall slightly as he continues to watch her quietly, his eyes never leaving her figure.
Despite his efforts to hold back, his hand slowly reaches out and gently rests on her arm. It's like his body is moving on its own, without his permission, and he can't stop it. He rubs small, comforting circles along her clothed skin, the touch light yet soothing.
Y/n sighs at his touch.
Ghost can feel her sigh vibrate beneath his fingertips, and he takes it as a good sign. He continues to rub small circles on her arm, his touch warm and gentle. He stays quiet, letting her have a moment to calm down and collect her thoughts.
“I’m— I’m not out here in the middle of nowhere by choice,” Y/n says as she stares down at her tea.
Ghost's hand stills for a moment at her revelation. He raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued. He wasn't expecting her to say that.
"What do you mean?" he asks. He withdraws his hand from her arm and takes a sip of the tea, his eyes fixed on her.
“It’s— there is someone— someone dangerous— and he’d do anything to get me back— he’s done anything—“ She says quietly.
Ghost's interest is piqued even further as she speaks quietly. He can tell it's not easy for her to reveal this, but he can't help but feel intrigued.
He takes a moment before asking with a low, sharp voice. "Who is he? What did he do to you?"
“I.. he was obsessed with me.. he.. he stole me.. kept me hidden away… he’d keep me chained up—“ She continued, her voice getting quieter and quieter.
The words hit Ghost like a wrecking ball. His brows furrowed as he absorbed the information, and he feels a wave of anger and protectiveness wash over him. No man should ever treat a woman like that.
He leans forward slightly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Did he hurt you? Physically?"
She closed her eyes and let out a breath “he— he wanted me to love him— and.. when I didn’t— he’d— and beat me within an inch of my life— then he’d apologize and tell me he loved me— then he’d do it again— and again—“
Ghost's blood boils as he imagines this man beating her and trying to force her to love him. He clenches his fist, his nails digging into his palm. He has witnessed unspeakable things during his time in war, but hearing her talk about her experience with her captor is like a stab in the heart.
Without even thinking, he reaches out and grasps her arm again, giving it a soft and comforting squeeze.
“He— he’s a dangerous man— he’s killed so many people, he’s hurt so many people.. he’s on the FBI's most wanted list— and I was his favorite toy..”
Ghost blinks at her words, stunned and surprised. The fact that she has had to deal with someone so dangerous and terrifying makes his protective instincts flare up.
"How did you escape?" he asks quietly, his thumb rubbing small soothing circles over her clothed arm.
“The last time he— he hurt me— I promised that I’d get myself out.. that no one was going to come save me.. he.. he left me there, bleeding on the floor.. and I used the last of my strength to get out… I ran… I just ran... Eventually, the FBI helped me after I escaped.. they’ve placed me in remote locations ‘to keep me safe’ while they try to catch the guy… they’ve moved me twice.. but…”
Ghost stares at her for a moment, completely stunned by the information. He can't believe what she has had to go through, and even more so he can't believe how strong she is to have escaped from someone like that.
His grip on her arm tightens slightly, his voice low and intense. "But what?"
“Usually they’d send someone to check on me.. bring me supplies, every so often… but I think they forgot about me.. or maybe I’m more trouble than I’m worth.. it’s been 5 months here, radio silence”
"Five months..." Ghost echoes, his voice hushed. The words hang heavily in the air as he tries to absorb the weight of them. He can't imagine being alone for so long, especially in a place like this.
His thumb continues to trace circles on her arm, his touch a constant reminder that she is not alone here, not anymore.
“I dream about him, every f*cking night.” She says as a tear falls down her cheek “It’s so real. Like I’m back with him... I can feel him reopening my scars..”
Ghost feels his heartbreak at her words, seeing her tear makes something in him feel shattered. He wants to say something, anything to make her feel better, to erase the thought that this man is always looming over her.

“You’re safe now.. he won’t hurt you anymore.” He says in a raspy and soothing voice, his thumb brushing over the tear on her cheek, wiping it away gently.
Y/n shakes her head. “I’ll never be safe.. not as long as he’s out there, searching for me”
Ghost's heart clenches at her words, and he can't bear to listen to her feeling like that any longer. He moves closer to her, closing the distance between them.
He cups her cheek with his warm, large palm, his eyes locking on hers. "You are safe," he says firmly, leaving no room for doubt.
“Even the FBI gave up on me… no one can keep me safe..”
Ghost's chest tightens at her words, hating how defeated she sounds. He refuses to let her feel like this, it drives something within him insane.
"Well, you've got me now." he says with a determined and reassuring voice, his thumb caressing her cheek. He wants her to feel his protectiveness, knowing that she is not alone in this anymore.
“You are only here until the snowstorm stops…”
Ghost's heart clenches. He can't help but know she is right. This, whatever moment they are in, is just momentary. Nothing more than a short-lived comfort in her dire situation.
"Doesn't mean I can't keep you safe until then." he grumbles with a protective gruffness, his eyes not leaving hers for a second.
Y/n weakly smiles at him as she brushes a tear away from her cheek. “Thank you, Ghost”
“Simon.. you can call me Simon” Y/n reaches out and grabs his hand and gives him a squeeze “Thank you Simon '' She says as she cranks her neck to look up at him.
Ghost's heart skips a beat as she reaches out to grab his hand, the sound of his name on her lips sends a warm sense of contentment through him.
He can't help but feel a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth and for a brief moment, all he can focus on is the way her hand feels in his, the way she looks up at him and the sound of her delicate, soothing voice.
The next morning, Gaz, Soap and Ghost are eating breakfast at the table talking as Y/n washes the dishes.
“He’s gotta be around here somewhere.” Soap says frustratedly.
“We’ve tracked him to this area” Gaz says
“Makarov is around here, we’ve just gotta find him.” Ghost says.
The dish in Y/n’s hands slips and shatters at hearing that name.
“What… what did you just say?” She says quietly, as she turns to look at them, her face going pale white.
The sudden sound of the shattering dish startles Ghost, and his head jerks up to look at Y/n. He notices her pale white face and panicked expression. He can feel his nerves tensing, his instincts screaming that something is wrong.
He pushes his chair back abruptly and stands up, crossing the room in a few large strides and standing close to her. Concern is written all over his face.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his voice low and serious.
“Makarov? Did you say Makarov?” Y/n says quietly, frozen in place.
Ghost blinks, taken aback by her reaction. He can hear the panicked tone in her voice, the way she is frozen in place. He can tell that the name has triggered something in her.
He nods quietly, a mixture of uncertainty and protectiveness written all over his face. "Yes, Makarov," he affirms, watching her closely.
Y/n’s eyes flicker, her breath becoming ragged from panic. She rushes out of the kitchen and into her room, she begins shoving clothes into a bag.
Ghost's brow furrows as he sees her run away into the bedroom. A sense of urgency takes over him, and he follows her into the room. The sight of her shoving clothes into a bag sends a jolt of adrenaline through him, and he closes the door behind him.
Concern is written all over his face as he watches her, and his instincts are telling him that he needs to calm her down, to find out what's wrong.
Her hands are shaking, she is frantically shoving clothes into a bag.
She pulls a box out from under the bed, opening it, and taking out a rifle. Her hands shake as she begins to check and make sure it’s loaded.
Ghost's heart races as he watches her checking her rifle, his training and instincts taking over. He can tell that she is preparing for something, and it worries him even more.
He slowly approaches Y/n, his voice low and urgent. "Y/n, what— what're you doing?" his eyes fixed on her, his hand reaching out to gently stop her.
“I have to leave.. I need to leave” She says panicked, as she brushes him off of her and slides her snow boots on in a hurry.
Ghost's heart clenches as she brushes him off, his protective instincts flaring up again. He can see the fear and panic in her eyes, but he can't let her go out there alone.
He steps forward, blocking her path. "Wait, Y/n." he says firmly.
A mixture of concern and determination is written all over his face. "It's dangerous out there, you can't go out alone."
She ignores him as she begins piling on layers of clothes, readying herself to brace the storm.
Ghost watches her pile on layers of clothes, his heart racing with worry. He can't let her leave, not like this.
He steps in front of her, his large body blocking her path. "Y/n, please." he says in a pleading voice. "It's not safe. I can't let you go out there alone. I can't let anything happen to you."
“He’s here! He’s found me again! I need to get out of here!” She says as tears run down her panicked face
Ghost's heart clenches as he hears her words. Makarov. He knew there was a reason that name made her panic. He can't imagine the fear she must be feeling.
He looks at her with a protective and determined gaze, stepping closer and gently grasping her shoulders.
"Y/n, listen to me," he says firmly.
"You're safe here. He can't get to you here. But you can't go out there alone."
Her head drops “I can’t let him find me” She says as she quietly cries.
Ghost's heart breaks as she cries, and he pulls her close to him, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace.
"Y/n, listen to me." he says softly, his hand gently rubbing circles on her back.
"I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you. I won't let him find you. Just please... don't go. Please stay here, where it's safe."
She drops her bag from her shoulder and her hands cling to his shirt as she buries her face in his sternum and cries. “I’m scared Simon '' she mumbles against him.
Ghost feels his heart clench as she clings to him and mumbles her fear against his chest, and a protective and fierce feeling washes over him. He tightens his arms around her, his chin resting on her head.
"I know you are," he says softly, his voice filled with understanding. "But I promise, you're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you." he says firmly, his hand rubbing soothing circles on her back. "Just take deep breaths. I'm here for you."

Y/n cries into his torso for a few minutes, then she pulls her head back slightly. Her eyes are putty and her face is red from crying. She looks up at him “9341”
Ghost tilts his head as she utters a number, his brow furrowing in confusion. He can see that she is vulnerable and emotional right now, and his protective instincts flare up even more.
He looks down at her, his eyes searching her face for an explanation. "9341?" he repeats, his voice laced with both curiosity and concern.
“The safe. It’s the code to the safe I locked all of your guns in it when you got here and I took them away. 9341.” Her lip quivers as she looks up at him.
Ghost's eyes snap to hers as she reveals the code to the safe.
He nods slowly, his expression softening slightly. "Thank you for telling me, Y/n." he says quietly, his hand gently wiping a tear away from her cheek. "Now, please, sit. I'll go get our weapons."
Y/n shakes her head. “I.. let me tell Soap and Gaz.. about my situation.. they deserve to know” She says as she wipes a tear from her cheek.
Ghost nods in understanding, his eyes never leaving her face. "Alright. Let's go get them." he says softly.
He gently grasps her hand, leading her out of the bedroom and out to the hall. "Soap! Gaz!" he calls out, his voice loud and commanding. A moment later, Soap and Gaz appear in the hallway
Soap's eyes dart over to Y/n, noticing her tear-streaked face and slightly red eyes. "What's going on?" he asks, concern written all over his face.

As Ghosts retrieves their gear and guns, Y/n sits down on the coffee table facing Soap and Gaz. She explains everything she told Ghost the previous night. Why she is in the middle of nowhere alone, her history with Makarov, how she escaped, how he tortured her, and how he’s been trying to find her.
Soap and Gaz sit in a silent awe as they listen to Y/n's story. They can't believe the hell that she has been through, the torture she endured.
Soap's eyes are dark with anger, his fists clenching tightly. Gaz looks pale, his face twisted with sympathy and horror at what she has gone through.
Once Y/n is finished, the room is filled with a heavy silence as Soap and Gaz process what they have just heard.
“I know you guys just happened to keep shelter during the snowstorm while looking for Makarov for your mission, it’s a coincidence that you stumbled onto the reason he is in the area to begin with.. and I understand if you don’t help me, I’m not your problem.”
Gaz and Soap exchange a brief glance between them, their minds racing. They were here to find the terrorist base but they also stumbled upon Y/n's shelter, and now the whole story. They can see the fear and vulnerability in her eyes. Ghost's protective instincts toward her are obvious.
Gaz's expression softens slightly "Y/n, we're a team. We stick together." he says, his tone reassuring. "You're not alone in this. We'll help you any way we can."
Y/n’s lip quivers as she hears this, she drops her head into her hands and cries. “Thank you. Thank you” She mumbles into her hands.
Ghost walks back into the room, his gear and weapons in hand, and his heart breaks as he notices Y/n sobbing into her hands.
He can see Soap and Gaz sitting next to her, their eyes filled with compassion and understanding.
He walks over, crouching down in front of her, and gently takes her hand in his.
"You're not alone, Y/n." he says soothingly, his voice filled with empathy. "We're here for you."
To Soap and Gaz’s surprise, she throws her arms around Ghost's neck and hugs him tightly as she cries. “Thank you guys''
Ghost's eyes widen slightly as she throws her arms around him, but he quickly recovers and hugs her back, his strong arms wrapping soothingly around her. He can feel her tears dampen his shirt, but he doesn't care. He just holds her tightly, his heart breaking for her.
Soap and Gaz exchange a glance, their eyes softening at the sight. They're not used to Ghost being so gentle and protective with someone.
Once Y/n regains her composure, she sits back. She leans over and kisses Soap's cheek and then Gaz’s cheek. Then she uses both her hands to grab and hold onto their “thank you.” She says quietly.
Gaz's mouth drops open in shock as Y/n kisses his cheek, and he glances at Soap with a mixture of surprise and flattery. Ghost's eyes widen slightly, a twinge of jealousy shooting through him before he quickly pushes the feeling down.
Soap chuckles and smiles at her, his eyes soft. "No worries, love." he says with a wink. Gaz grins and nods as he squeezes her hand gently.
Soap, Gaz, and Ghost work to make sure the entire house is secure. Blocking off, locking, and cutting off all entrances besides the front door.
They cover and block all windows. They have weapons everywhere. As night falls, Soap offers to stay on the couch for first watch.
Gaz and Ghost head to the guest room and Y/n heads to hers. After a few hours of being restless, Ghost heads to the kitchen for some water. He sees the light on in Y/n’s room from the crack under the door.

Ghost walks into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cupboard and taking a few sips of water. He notices the light on in Y/n's room, and he can't help but worry about her. He knows she's been through a lot, and he feels an urge to check on her.
He sets the glass down and walks over to her door, gently knocking on it. "Y/n?" he calls out softly.
“Come in,” She says weakly.
Ghost slowly pushes open the door, stepping into her room. His eyes quickly scan the room, taking notice of her surroundings. He sees her lying on her bed, her shoulders slouched, her eyes bloodshot from crying.
He stands there for a moment, unsure of what to say or do. He can tell she's still shaken and vulnerable, and his protective instincts flare up. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly, his voice laced with concern.
Y/n is hugging her knees to her chest. She weakly nods at him.
Ghost can see the exhaustion and fear etched onto her face, and it tugs at his heartstrings.
He approaches her bed, sitting down on the edge of it and carefully placing his hand on her arm.
"You don't have to lie to me, you know that, right?" he murmurs softly, his thumb gently stroking her skin. "You've been through a lot, it's okay to not be okay."
Ghost sits down next to her, his presence providing a sense of grounding and comfort. He can tell she's still feeling vulnerable, and he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
"You know, it's okay to be scared, Y/n." he says quietly, his voice low and soothing. "After what you've been through, it's natural to feel frightened. But we're here for you, and we're going to make sure that you're safe."
“Will.. will you—“ She starts to say but gets embarrassed and stops herself.

Ghost furrows his brow slightly, noticing her hesitance to finish her sentence. He waits for her to gather her thoughts, his hand gently rubbing her arm.
"Go on," he encourages gently, his voice soft and understanding. "You can tell me anything, I won't judge you."
Y/n looks down at her lap and avoids his gaze “will you stay with me? Just for a little while” She shyly asks.
Ghost's expression softens at her request, and he feels his heart melt. He can't deny the protective and possessive feeling he has towards her, and hearing her ask such a vulnerability makes his resolve melt.
"Of course," he says softly, gently tugging her closer to him. "I'll stay with you for as long as you want."
Y/n turns off her bedside lamp and lays against him.
Her small body snug against him.
Ghost feels a sense of contentment wash over him as her body pressed against him. With the light turned off, the room is enveloped in darkness, and the only sound is the gentle hum of snow falling outside.
He gently wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer and holding her against his chest. He leans his chin on top of her head, listening to her steady breathing.
As Ghost holds her and she begins to fall asleep, her shirt rises a bit under his touch. His fingers coming across and feeling the beginning of a scar. He gently touches the scar and feels how large it is. His hand finds many, many more scars littering her skin as she sleeps soundly next to him.
Ghost feels his heart sink as his fingers brush over her scarred skin. He can feel the raised ridges and bumps of the scars, each one telling a story of a different trauma she had gone through. With each scar he feels, he can feel a growing anger towards the person who did this to her.
He pulls her a little closer, gently rubbing her back, his touch a mixture of care and protectiveness.

Ghost falls asleep beside Y/n. He usually has nightmares like she does, not often sleeping through the night either.
Ghost and Y/n slept soundly while curled against each other. No nightmares.
They slept well past breakfast and into the afternoon. They stir awake at the sound of a light knocking at Y/n’s bedroom door. Their eyes slowly open, and see Gaz and Soap peeking through the now open door with smirks on their faces at the sight of Ghost and Y/n cuddled up together.
Ghost blinks a few times, clearing the sleep from his eyes as he sees Gaz and Soap standing at the door with smirks on their faces. For a moment, confusion washes over him as he takes in the sight of their grins, wondering what they're up to.
It's only then that he realizes the position he's in, with Y/n cuddled against him and his body wrapped around hers.
“Thought we’d let you two sleep in a bit, but we didn’t want you guys to sleep the entire day away” Soap says, smirk on his face.
Ghost feels a mixture of embarrassment and possessiveness wash over him. On one hand he's a little flustered at being caught like this, but on the other hand he's relieved that she slept well for the night.
"Shut it," he grumbles, his voice gravelly with sleep. He gently untangles himself from her and sits up, running a hand through his messy hair.
Y/n rubs the sleep from her eyes “what.. what time is it…?” She asks.
“2 in the afternoon.” Gaz says with a smirk on his face.
Ghost's eyes widened at Gaz's response, realizing they slept a lot longer than he intended. "Jesus, that late? I didn't mean to sleep that long," he mutters, still feeling groggy from sleep.
He throws his legs over the side of the bed and stands up, stretching his sore muscles. "Well, I guess we better get the day started." He glances back at Y/n and offers her a small, reassuring grin.
She blushes and weakly smiles at him in return.
Ghost notices her smile and feels a fluttering in his chest. He can't help but appreciate her vulnerability and the trust she's placed in him.
"You rest a bit longer if you want," he says softly. "Soap and Gaz are preparing lunch while I check the perimeter again."
Y/n nods softly.
Ghost nods back at her and walks out of the room, feeling a mixture of protectiveness, admiration, and a bit of guilt. He knows that the others are going to give him hell for what they saw, but at the same time, he can't deny that he enjoyed holding her close to him.
After Y/n got dressed for the day, she entered the kitchen to find Gaz and Soap making sandwiches “Sorry for not making you guys breakfast this morning” She says shyly.
Soap looks up and chuckles, a smirk on his face. "Don't apologize, love," he says with a wink. "We got to see something much more entertaining this morning."
Gaz snorts and nods in agreement, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. "Yeah, and we got to see our usually grumpy and stiff Lieutenant being a fluffy and cuddly teddy bear."
Y/n’s face blushed as she tried to bite back a smile.
Gaz and Soap chuckle at her reaction, their faces lighting up with amusem*nt. They continue making sandwiches, occasionally throwing glances and smirks her way.
"I never thought we'd see the day where Ghost becomes a cuddler," Soap teases, his eyes gleaming mischievously.
“Do I hear jealousy in your voice Soap? He’d probably cuddle with you if you ask nicely” Y/n says in a soft teasing voice.
Gaz bursts out laughing and Soap has his mouth open, both surprised that Y/n made a joke.
Soap's eyes widened in surprise at her teasing, his mouth hanging open. He starts stuttering in surprise, his usual smooth and charming demeanor faltering for a moment.
Gaz doubles over, clutching his stomach as he laughs, tears streaming down his face. "Oh, my days, Y/n, I didn't know you had a wicked sense of humor like that! That was brilliant!" he says, gasping for breath.

Gaz walks over and raises his hand to high-five me. Y/n slowly raises her hand and high-fives him.
“That was a good one” he says while still laughing, Soap is trying to look angry but he thought it was funny too.
Ghost walks into the kitchen and gives a confused look.
“Your girl has jokes Ghost” Gaz says to Ghost as he pats my shoulder while laughing.
Ghost's face flushes a bit at the words ‘your girl’, but he quickly regains his composure. "Oh really?" he says, trying to sound unimpressed, but a small smirk plays at the corner of his lips.
He walks over to the kitchen island and grabs a sandwich from the plate. "What kind of joke did she spill?" he asks, looking at Gaz with a raised eyebrow.
“It was nothing” She says weakly, now feeling embarrassed about her joke.
“It was so funny,” Gaz says.
“Okay, not that funny” Soap says, trying to not laugh and act grumpy about the joke.
Ghost glances between the two of them, his smirk growing wider. "Oh come on, can't leave me out. What did she say?" he asks with an amused look.
“She said—“ Gaz began but stopped to laugh.
“I said I didn’t think we would ever see the day that you became a cuddler.” Soap said.
Gaz bent over laughing harder now “and she said ‘do I hear jealousy in your voice Soap? Ghost would probably cuddle with you if you ask nicely’” Gaz says as he laughs even harder now.
Y/n is trying to bite back her smile as she looks at the floor and not at Ghost, blush on her cheeks.
Ghost's eyes widen in surprise, and a small hint of a blush spreads across his cheeks. He hadn't expected Y/n to have such a witty response, and it caught him off guard. He couldn't help but find her remark both amusing and endearing.
Gaz's uncontrollable laughter filled the room, while Soap stifle his laughter with a chuckle. Ghost glances at her shy smile and flushed cheeks and feels a warmth spread through his chest.
Y/n’s eyes quickly look up at Ghost, seeing him with an ‘oh yeah?’ look. Her eyes instantly go back to looking at the floor.
Ghost takes a step closer to her, a sly smile on his lips. "Is that what you think, sweetheart?" he asks, his voice low and seductive.
"That I'd cuddle with Soap if he asked nicely?" He reaches out and gently cups her chin with his finger, tilting her head up to look at him, hoping to get another reaction out of her.
Y/n looks up at Ghost, her face a deep shade of red. Usually their small moments like this, they are alone, but now he’s touching her infront of his friends/teammates.
“I— well— I didn’t—“ She stumbles with her words.
Ghost lets out a soft chuckle at her flustered reaction, enjoying the effect he has on her. His thumb gently strokes her chin, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of mischief and affection.
"Easy sweetheart," he murmurs in a low, teasing tone, "no need to get all worked up in front of the boys." He takes a step closer, their bodies now mere inches apart.
Y/n’s face reddens and she looks down.
Ghost notices her bashful reaction and can’t help but admire her shyness. He gently lifts her chin,
"No need to look away, sweetheart. You can look at me." He leans in a little closer, his voice still low and gentle.
"You know," he whispers, his breath warm on her skin, "You weren’t too far off with your comment. I wouldn’t mind cuddling with you again. In fact, I wouldn’t mind doing more than just cuddling..."
Y/n’s eyes widened at Ghosts whispered comment.
Ghost lets out a soft chuckle, enjoying the way she reacts to him. He gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lightly grazing her skin.
"But don’t worry, sweetheart. You're the only one I want to cuddle... and do other things with." He whispers the last part with a hint of teasing, his eyes glinting with desire.
Soap clears his throat from behind them. He and Gaz were watching with a surprised expression, but needed to remind both Ghost and Y/n that they were also still in the room.
Ghost's eyes flicker to Soap and Gaz and he gives them a small smirk, acknowledging their presence in the room. He lingers close to Y/n for a moment, his fingers lingering on her jawline before he reluctantly steps back.
"Right," he says with a chuckle, "We can save this conversation for later, sweetheart." He gives her a last seductive glance before turning back to his teammates. "What's the plan for the rest of the day, boys?"
Y/n is left staring at the floor, face red as a tomato as Ghost begins talking with the boys.
She quickly makes her way out of the kitchen.
She stands in front of the washer and dryer, folding their uniforms that she washed, trying to keep her mind distracted away from Ghost and what he said.
After talking to Soap and Gaz for a bit, Ghost senses Y/n's unease. He excuses himself from the conversation, making his way to the washer and dryer, where he finds her folding their uniforms.
He leans against the door frame and watches her quietly for a moment, appreciating her attention to detail and the way her fingers move carefully over the fabric. After a while, he decides to speak. "You alright, sweetheart?" he asks gently.
Her face blushed again at the sound of him standing behind her. Y/n quickly glances over her shoulder at him and nods her head. Then returns to folding the clothes.
Ghost gives a small chuckle, noticing her flushed cheeks and the way she quickly returns to folding the clothes. He walks closer, standing near her side, and watches her work for a moment. After a few beats, he reaches out and brushes a stray strand of hair from her face.
"You're a little flushed, love," he teases gently. "You sure you're alright?"
Y/n nods silently, keeping her eyes trained on the clothes.
Ghost co*cks his head to the side, a teasing gleam in his eyes. "Are you sure it's not just because I'm standing so close to you?" he muses.
He takes a step closer, his body almost touching hers, and gently strokes her cheek with his calloused fingers.
"Or is it because I whispered that I want to do more than just cuddle with you?" He whispers suggestively.
Y/n’s fingers instinctively clutch the clothes in her hands. Then continue to fold them.
Ghost can’t help but find it adorable how she responds to his teasing. He notices the way her fingers clutch the clothes and a smile tugs at his lips.
He steps closer, his body almost flush against hers, and gently takes the clothes from her hands. "What if I told you that I want to touch you all over?" he whispers in a low, husky tone.
His fingers trail down her arm as he speaks. "All over," he repeats, his breath warm on her ear.
Goose bumps form on her skin, her jaw tenses. Her hands hesitate for a second but continue folding clothes.
Ghost notices the effect his words have on her, the way her skin tingles under his touch. He leans in closer, his body gently pressed against hers, and continues whispering in her ear.
His fingers glide down her arm, moving across her waist and coming to rest on her hips, gently pulling her flush against him.
"Would you like that, love?" he murmurs, his voice low and filled with desire.
Y/n’s hands drop the clothes in her hands. They grip the edge of the table, trying to restrain herself.
Ghost feels the way her body tenses at his touch, and smiles at her reaction. He presses his body closer, his strong frame molding against hers. One hand rests on the edge of the table next to her, the other caressing her hip. He lowers his head, his breath warm on her neck.
"Is that a yes?" he whispers teasingly, his fingers grazing the sensitive skin just above her hip.
She gives a weak, slight nod.
He lets out a deep chuckle at her soft nod, his fingers continuing to stroke her hip. "Good," he murmurs, his mouth grazing her ear before trailing down to her neck.
He presses firm, hot kisses along her neck, nibbling and sucking lightly as he goes, making sure to explore every inch of her sensitive skin.
Y/n gasps loudly, gripping the table.
Ghost smirks against her neck, feeling her gasp and grip the table tightly. He continues his assault on her neck, his mouth hungry for her skin.
One hand slides up her side, cupping her breast lightly on top of her shirt, teasing her as he kisses her neck.
She bites her lip to hold back a moan.
Ghost feels her biting her lip, trying to hold back the moans that he knows he can pull from her. His mouth moves up her neck, pressing hot kisses along her jawline before reaching her ear.
"Don’t hold back, love," he murmurs, his voice low and husky, a hint of pride in it as he knows he can make her lose control.
“Soap.. Gaz.. they’ll hear us..” She whispers.
Ghost's mouth freezes against her neck, his hand pausing on her breast, and he curses silently. He lifts his face from her neck, a hint of frustration on his face, and leans his forehead against hers.
"Damn it," he mutters, his voice laced with both desire and resignation. "You're right." He sighs deeply, the moment of passion now interrupted. "I'd hate to give those boys a show."
Y/n sighs, her body relaxing slightly. Her skin still felt like it was on fire.
Ghost can feel her body relax against his, and it takes everything in him to step back. He lets out a low hiss, his breath shaky as he struggles to compose himself. "Damn it, sweetheart," he mutters under his breath.
He takes a step back, giving her room to breathe. His eyes rake over her, taking in the way her skin glistens and the way her lips are slightly parted, wanting nothing more than to take her right there.
She turns around and looks at him, her eyes flickering to his lips then back up to his eyes.
Ghost can see her eyes flicker to his lips, and he can't resist the temptation any longer. He closes the distance between them again, his body pressing against hers as he takes her face gently in his hands.
His lips crash against hers, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he kisses her passionately. His hands grasp her waist, pulling her closer towards him.
Y/n moans into his mouth as she grips onto his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin though his shirt.
Ghost moans against her mouth at the feel of her nails digging into his shoulders. He pushes her back against the washer, deepening the kiss and claiming her mouth fully. His tongue dances with hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. He presses his body against hers, the heat between them palpable.
Despite what her mind was telling her, between kisses “we should.. probably.. stop..” She said as I continued to kiss him, doing the exact opposite of her words.
Ghost chuckles at her words, knowing she was conflicted and wanted to stop, but also sensing the way her body was speaking differently. He deepened the kiss, his tongue flicking against hers as he pressed against her. "Probably," he muttered, his voice low and gravelly.
He continued to kiss her, one hand roaming over her body, the other supporting them on the washer. He wanted her badly, his body and mind overwhelmed by her.
“Oi! Ghost? Where are yah?” Soap yelled across the house.
Ghost broke the kiss with a growl of frustration. "Bloody hell, Soap," he muttered.
He rested his forehead against hers, his breath shaky. "We'll continue this later," he whispered huskily as he gave her one last, possessive kiss on the lips.
When Soap walked in, he sees a flushed looking Y/n leaning against the washer.
His eyes flickered between Ghost and Y/n, a smirk on his lips.
“The storm slowed down a bit, Gaz and I are going to do a quick sweep of the area before it picks back up again. We will be back before in a bit”
Ghost gave a nod, his demeanor shifting back to that of a responsible lieutenant.
"Stay sharp and stay together," he admonished.
He gives a quick glance at Y/n, his eyes filled with desire but also tinged with regret for having to stop.
Then he turns back to Soap. "If anything comes up, report it immediately," he orders, his mind now focused on the mission.
“We will. See you guys in a bit.” Soap winks at Ghost and then leaves with Gaz.
As soon as they hear the front door close, Ghost is closing the distance between them again.

Ghost's restraint snaps as soon as the door shuts, and he strides towards her, closing the distance between them in two purposeful steps.
He takes her face in his hands, his touch possessive and eager as he claims her mouth in a bruising kiss.
His body pressed against hers, a possessive hunger evident in the way his kiss deepens and his tongue explores her mouth. He doesn't hold back, his hands roaming over her body, wanting to feel every inch of her.

Ghost picks Y/n up and she wraps her legs around his waist. He carries her to her bedroom and gently places her on the bed.
Ghost lifts her effortlessly into his arms, his hands holding her securely as she wraps her legs around his waist. He carries her to the bedroom, his eyes locked on hers, a mix of desire and need burning in them.
He lays her gently on the bed, his body covering hers as his kisses trail down her neck. His hands slide up her shirt, his touch setting her skin on fire wherever his fingers brush across her skin.
Her back arches into his touch.
Ghost feels her arch towards him, her body responding to his touch, and he smirks against her skin. His hands roam over her bare skin, his touch firm yet tender.
He peppers her neck with hot, open-mouth kisses as his hands continue to explore her body, finding her sweet spots and making her arch towards him even more. He can feel her body shiver under his touch, and that only fuels his need for her.
“Simon!” Y/n finally yells as he touches a specifically sensitive area on her neck.
Ghost's smile widens at her loud exclamation. "I think I found your sweet spot," he teases slowly, his voice dripping with desire.
His fingers linger at that sensitive area, teasing her as he nibbles, enjoying the way she arches beneath him.
His touch is both gentle and insistent, his intention to explore her body and find all the ways to make her call his name in pleasure.
“f*ck!” She curses loudly.
Ghost's smirk widens at her curse, his ego and desire both flaring up at her reaction.
He loves how responsive she is to his touch, how she writhes beneath him. His teeth bite down gently on her neck as he continues to tease the sensitive area with his fingers.
“I— I need you… Simon please.. I’ve been so lonely these past months, please”
Ghost pauses his actions, his heart clenching at her confession.
He lifts his head from her neck, his expression laced with both desire and concern. "Baby," he whispers softly, his voice a gentle caress.
He cups her face, his thumb grazing over her cheek, his eyes searching her face.
"I'm here," he assures her, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm here, love." He then leans in and kisses her passionately, pouring all his longing and desire into the kiss.
“I need you” She begs.
At her plea, Ghost's restraint snaps, his desire and need overriding everything else. He captures her mouth in a deep, frenzied kiss, his hands roaming over her body, desperate to claim and possess her.
His body pressed against hers, his touch rough and insistent as he pulled her closer. "I need you too," he groans against her mouth between kisses. "So damn badly.”
He moves his mouth to her neck, biting and sucking on her sensitive skin as his hands find their way to her shirt, tugging it upwards. "Too many clothes," he mutters, eager to feel her skin against his.
He sits back long enough to pull her shirt over her head, his eyes drinking in her naked body. "Beautiful," he murmurs, his voice a low growl.
His hands trace over her curves, his touch feather-light yet possessing.
He then pushes her back onto the bed, his body covering hers as he kisses down her body, his mouth blazing a trail of wet kisses over her skin. He worships her body, her scars, all of her. His touch is a mixture of tenderness and passion, as he takes his time to relearn every inch of her.
He pays special attention to her sensitive spots, each gasp and whimper of pleasure fueling his desire further. He wants to make her feel worshiped and cherished, and he's slowly building her up toward the edge of ecstasy.

Y/n grips the sheets in frustration, needing him so desperately.
Ghost sees her frustration and smirks slightly at her response. He loves seeing her so worked up and needy, knowing he's the cause of it.
He moves a hand between her thighs, his touch firm and teasing as he applies just enough pleasure to leave her wanting more.
"Be patient, baby," he whispers huskily. "I want to savor you."
He continues to kiss down her body, his tongue trailing over her heated skin, as his fingers continue to tease and caress her until he finally gives in to her need.
Y/n gasps loudly at his first intrusion. “f*ck Simon!” Her back arches off of the bed.
Ghost smirks at her loud gasp and arch of her back, clearly enjoying the effect he has on her. He gently pushes her back down onto the mattress, his fingers continuing to move in a slow, deliberate rhythm.

Ghost and Y/n spend the next few hours exploring each other, craving each other. They finally exhausted themselves and fell asleep tangled together.

Hours later, Ghost and Y/n find themselves tangled together in a heap of limbs, their bodies spent and exhausted after hours of passionate discovery and exploration. His arm is wrapped possessively around her waist, holding her tight against his chest as she lays with her head on his shoulder.
It was pitch black in her room when Y/n’s eyes opened.
She feels Ghost’s arm tucking her against him. She smiles softly at him sleeping.
She slowly scoots out of his grasp to go to the bathroom.
After finishing her business in the bathroom, she turns the light off and closes the door behind her.
As she closes the door, out of nowhere a hand is clamping over her mouth.
She feels a body pressed behind her.
“So you’ve turned into a whor* since you’ve left me” She hears a whispered angry voice in her ear. The hairs on the back of her neck raise at the voice.
Ghost is in the midst of a deep sleep, his breathing slow and steady. His arm reaches out for her, his hand grasping at nothing but the empty space where she had been moments before.
His brows furrow slightly in confusion, his body instinctively trying to seek out her heat and presence in his sleep.
“I should kill him, right now. For touching what is mine.” Y/n hears the voice say as he points the gun at Ghost's sleeping figure.
“Wait.. wait..” She says in a panic.
Ghost's eyes snap open to the sound of Y/n’s whispered voice, his training kicking in. Before he can fully assess the situation, a man's voice echoes through the room.
His gaze flickers to the figure pointing a gun at him, a wave of anger and confusion crashing over him. In a lightning-fast moment, he's off the bed, grabbing the gun from under the pillow and leveling it at the intruder
Ghost switches the light in the room on, his heart drops at the sight of Makarov holding a gun against Y/n’s head.
“Drop your weapon.” Makarov says through his teeth.
Ghost's gaze hardens at Makarov's command, a mix of fury and concern playing on his face. He keeps his gun trained on the man with icy precision. Every muscle in his body is taut with tension, ready to react at a moment's notice.
Ghost’s voice drips with venom as he replies, “Drop yours first.”
“Drop it.” Makarov says, he flips the safety off on his gun “or she dies”
Ghost's eyes harden further at the threat. He glances towards me, his gaze flicking over Y/n’s form quickly, assessing her safety and the current situation. His mind is working a mile a minute, weighing his options.
Ghost holds up his gun and puts it on the floor, sliding it towards Makarov and Y/n, “Okay… okay.” He says as he has his hands up in the air.
“Smart choice,” Makarov says. “On your knees,” Makarov says to Ghost.
Ghost follows Makarov's instructions, slowly lowering himself to his knees, his eyes never leaving Makarov or his grip on Y/n. His heart is pounding in his chest, but his breathing remains steady, years of training ingrained in him. Ghost knows that any wrong move could cost them both heavily.
“So you’ll f*ck this lowlife, but not love me?!” Makarov growls in Y/n’s ear, pressing the gun harder against her temple.
“You’ll learn that it’s either me, or no one.” Makarov removes the gun from her temple and points it at Ghost's head.
“WAIT” She says. “I’ll go with you.”
“What?” Makarov and Ghost say in unison.
“If you don’t kill him, I’ll go with you. No more running, no more fighting, I will never try to escape again. But only if you don’t hurt him” She says to Makarov.
Makarov pauses, considering her offer for a moment.
He flicks his gaze from Ghost to Y/n, a manic gleam flickering within his eyes. A slow, sad*stic smile spread across his lips. “Deal” he says, his voice dripping with victory.

Makarov starts tugging Y/n along with him, keeping his gun pointed at Ghost as he slowly backs his way out of Y/n’s bedroom, through the hall and towards the front door.
Ghost follows closely behind, his expression a mask of cold determination. Every fiber of his being screamed to reach for the man holding Y/n hostage, but he held back, knowing the risk to her was far too great.
His eyes flicker to Y/n periodically, his gaze filled with a mixture of anger and worry.
Y/n’s eyes flicker to Soap and Gaz mumbling against duct tape covering their mouths, the hands and feet bound together.
Ghost's composure falters for a moment as he sees Soap and Gaz, his eyes widening in shock and concern. His fists clench at his sides, his teeth grinding together in fury. He wants nothing more than to rip Makarov's throat out with bare hands, but he holds back for Y/n’s sake.
Just as Makarov reaches for the doorknob, another man walks out of the kitchen, and puts a gun against Ghost's temple.
“No! You said you wouldn’t hurt him.” Y/n plead with Makarov.
“I said I wouldn't,” he smiled deviously.
Ghost freezes at the feel of the cold barrel of a gun against his head, his eyes darkening with anger and frustration. He clenches his jaw, his muscles tightening in a show of resistance. He knew that a wrong move could cost him dearly, but the sight of Y/n being taken against her will enraged him to his core.
Y/n was not, generally, a strong person. She is small and shy. But something comes over her.
Y/n stomps on Makarovs foot, pushing his gun towards the ceiling as it goes off, a bullet flying into the ceiling.
In the same breath, Ghost grabs the man who’s holding a gun to his head.
He snaps the man’s neck, and before he can shoot Makarov, another shot rings out. Ghost's heart stops.
When he looks toward Y/n, expecting the worst.
Makarov's body falls to the ground, lifeless with a bullet wound in his forehead.
Y/n is frozen in place, the gun in her hands still smoking as she looks down at him.

Ghost's heart skips a beat as he sees Makarov fall lifeless to the ground.
He turns his gaze to Y/n, his expression a mix of shock and relief, his eyes flickering from the gun in her hands to her face.
A mixture of emotions flood through him in that split second—relief at her safety, gratitude, admiration, and a deep well of affection. He reaches out hesitantly, his voice low, “Baby..”
Y/n’s breath is coming out raggedly, her eyes staring at Makarov's body.
As Ghost sees the tears streaming down Y/n’s face, his expression softens even further. He takes a small step closer to her, his voice filled with concern and warmth.
"It's okay, love. You're safe" he says softly, his gaze never leaving her face. He reaches out again, gently taking the gun from her trembling hands and setting it out of reach.
He then gently pulls her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest.
Y/n’s entire body is shaking. Unable to even cry, her body was in shock. “He— he was going to kill you— I— I couldn’t—“
Ghost's arms tighten around her, holding her firmly against his chest. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead, his voice low and soothing.
"Sshh, it's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere" He rubs her back in small, comforting circles, trying to calm her down. "You did what you had to do. Thank you for saving my life."
Y/n’s entire body is shaking, distantly staring at Ghost's chest.
Ghost quickly steps away from Y/n to untie Soap and Gaz from their restraints.
Despite the chaos and tension in the room, Ghost moves with practiced efficiency and calm, his focus single-minded. He unties Soap and Gaz swiftly, his fingers nimble and sure as he undoes the knots and frees his friends.
Soap and Gaz rub their wrists and stretch their aching limbs, relieved to be free of their bindings.
Once free of their bindings, and Ghosts assistance, they look back at Y/n, still standing by the door, looking down at her hands, entire body still shaking
Ghost's eyes flicker towards Y/n, concern etched on his face as he takes in her shaking form.
He moves swiftly to her side, gently taking her trembling hands in his. His voice is filled with worry, "Hey, love. Look at me."
Y/n’s eyes slowly move from her hands to look up at him. Tears have begun running down her face but her eyes are filled with horror and disbelief.
Ghost's heart clenches at the sight of the turmoil in Y/n’s eyes. His thumb gently brushes away the tears on her cheeks, his touch soft and soothing. "It's okay...you're safe now. I'm right here, sweetheart."
“I— I couldn’t let him hurt you…” She says quietly.
Ghost's expression softens further, his gaze filled with warmth and admiration. "I know, love...and I'm forever grateful for it." He pulls Y/n closer, his arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace.
"You saved my life, you know that?" He rests his chin on top of Y/n’s head.
“I killed him.. I killed someone” She mumbled into his chest as she stiffly stood in his embrace.
Ghost's hold on her tightens, his hand slowly rubbing soothing circles along her back.
"I know, love. And it wasn't your fault." He whispers softly, trying to reassure her. He presses a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
"You did what you had to do to protect us. You saved us. And I'm proud of you for that."
Y/n tries to hold in her sob, “are— are Soap and Gaz alright?” She says quietly.
Ghost nods, his gaze flickering to Soap and Gaz for a brief moment before returning to Y/n.
"They're fine. A bit sore and pissed, but otherwise unharmed." he reassures her.
Y/n’s eyes flicker to the boys who are staring at her, uncharacteristically quietly.
Soap's expression is a mix of concern and surprise, while Gaz's is filled with a newfound appreciation for Y/n. They exchange a glance, a silent conversation passing between them before Gaz speaks up. “Y/n...thank you for saving us." His voice is quiet, but filled with sincerity.
Y/n gives them a weak smile and head nod. She makes her way over and gives them both a hug.
They are surprised by the hug but quickly accept it, their arms holding her tightly. "Seriously," Soap says quietly, his eyes filled with genuine gratitude.
Gaz nods in agreement. "We owe you one." He echoes Soap's sentiment.
Y/n places her hands on each of their cheeks and give them a reassuring but weak nod.
Both Soap and Gaz can tell that the ordeal has taken a toll on her, but they also acknowledge her determination to stay strong.
They each place their hands over one of hers on their cheeks, giving them a light squeeze.
"Let's clean this place up," Soap suggests, breaking the silence.
Y/n nods and goes toward the closet she keeps the cleaning supplies in, but Ghost stops her.
Ghost gently takes her hand, his touch firm yet tender. "No, love. Why don't you go take a hot shower and get cleaned up? I'll take care of this" he suggests gently. His gaze flicks over her body, his eyes filled with concern for her well-being.
Y/n quietly nods and heads to her room. She turns the shower on.
She looks in the mirror and sees her reflection. She has a splatter of Makarov’s blood on her face.
She quickly washes it away in the sink, panicking at the sight.
Y/n looks back up at her face in the mirror.
Her fist flies towards the mirror, smashing it to pieces.
She feels shards lodge their way into her hand, making her bleed. She holds onto the sink and just sobs.
Ghost, hearing commotion coming from the bathroom, furrows his brow in concern. He moves quickly to investigate the source of the noise. As he opens the bathroom door, he sees Y/n sobbing, her fist clenched tightly and knuckles bloody.
His worry deepens as he sees the shattered mirror and the glass lodged in her bleeding hand.
He rushes to her side, his voice filled with both worry and reassurance.
"Baby, what happened? Are you okay?" He gently takes her hand in his, inspecting the damage.
Y/n does answer him and just continues to tightly grip the counter to the sink, her bleeding hand bleeding more from how tightly she holds onto it as she cries.
Ghost sees her hand bleeding profusely and quickly moves into action. He gently pulls Y/n away from the sink and the broken glass and leads her to the bathroom counter.
He grabs a clean towel and wraps it tightly around her injured hand to stop the bleeding. He then sits Y/n down on the edge of the bathtub, his concerned gaze never leaving her distressed face.
"Sshh, it's okay, it's okay" he repeats gently, trying to soothe her tears.
As if she can’t hear him, she just cries.
Ghost's heart aches at the sound of her sobs, his emotions swirling with concern and helplessness. He gently cups her face with one hand, his touch tender and reassuring. "Hey, love. Look at me. Take a deep breath in.. and out," he instructs softly, his voice filled with care. He guides Y/n through some deep breaths, his eyes never leaving her’s, trying to anchor her back to reality.
After a few minutes of letting guide her through breathing, Y/n finally calms down.

Ghost's expression softens visibly as he sees her finally calm. He gently brushes a strand of hair away from her face, his touch tender.
"That's it, love. Take deep breaths," he whispers in that low, raspy voice that she melts at the sound of.
He leans in and places a gentle kiss on her forehead, his eyes filled with worry but also affection. "I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this together."
“I— I was just trying to shower— like you told me to—- his— his blood— it was on my face—“
Ghost's expression softens even further as he realizes the reason behind Y/n’s breakdown.
He gently cups her cheeks, his thumbs brushing away the remaining tears. "It's okay, love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that sight to upset you. I should have been more careful with my words. Forgive me." He presses a gentle kiss on her forehead, his voice filled with sincerity. "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?”
Ghost turns the shower on again, after checking that it’s a good temperature, “When you get out, I’ll wrap your hand okay?” He says kissing her forehead and then goes to leave her to shower. Y/n grabs his hand and stops him from leaving.
Ghost stops in his tracks as she reaches out to grab his hand. He turns to face her, his expression filled with curiosity and concern.
"Everything alright, love? What is it?" He asks gently, his hand still intertwined with hers.
“Stay?” Y/n says quietly.
Ghost's eyes soften at her request, his heart swelling with affection. "Of course, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here the whole time." He reassures her with a warm smile, his tone reassuring and steady. He stays by her side, his presence a comforting reminder that he's there for her.
“Shower with me.” Y/n says quietly.
Ghost's eyes widen slightly at her request, a mix of surprise and desire flickering across his face.
He studies Y/n for a moment, making sure it's what she really wants. Seeing the sincerity in her eyes, he nods. "Okay. Let's go."
He follows her into the shower, the warm water instantly engulfing the both of them.

As Ghost faces the shower head, Y/n’s back towards it. She has herself tucked against Ghost's chest, letting the water flow down her back and his front.
Ghost's strong arms wrap around her, holding her tight against his chest as the warm water cascades down their bodies. He gently kisses the top of her head, his fingers gently massaging her shoulders as he holds her protectively.
He understands that she needs his strength and comfort in this moment, and he is more than willing to provide it.
Y/n just silently stand and lean on him.
Ghost holds her tight against him for a few moments longer as they stand silently under the warm spray of water.
Finally he speaks up, his low, soothing voice breaking the silence. "How are you feeling, love? Is the water okay? Is the temperature alright?" He asks gently, his fingers running slowly and soothingly up and down her back, the touch meant to comfort and reassure her.
“I— I think I’m falling in love with you” Y/n quietly mumbles, as if saying it to herself and not him.
Ghost's body freezes for a brief moment, his heart almost stopping in his chest. His hands, which were gently stroking her back, pausing mid-motion as her words sink in. He blinks, processing what she said, taking in the weight of her words.
For a moment, he's lost for words, his mouth slightly agape as he stares down at her, his eyes filled with a mix of surprise and adoration.
Finally, he finds his voice again, his normally smooth and collected tone slightly uneven. "You— you're falling....in love with me?"
Y/n is still resting her cheek against his chest, not looking up at him. She nods weakly.
Ghost's heart is pounding in his chest, his emotions swirling at the weight of her admission. He gently lifts her head, tilting her chin up to meet his gaze.
His intense, sharp eyes soften as he stares down at Y/n, his expression filled with a mix of surprise and affection.
"You— you're serious?" He asks softly, his voice filled with a hint of disbelief and wonder.
Y/n looks up at him with big doe eyes and nods.
Ghost's breath hitches at the sight of her doe-eyed gaze, his heart swelling with emotion. He feels as if time stands still for a moment, his focus entirely on the woman in front of him. He holds her stare for a few more moments, taking in the vulnerability and affection in her eyes before he responds.
Slowly, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, his usually impassive expression giving way to a rare display of happiness.
"I— I..." He stutters slightly, his words faltering for a moment, his emotions overwhelming his usual composure.
Y/n puts her cheek against his chest again and closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the hot water running down their bodies.
“You don’t have to say anything” She says quietly, feeling fully content in this moment, not needing anything more than having to tell him how she was feeling.
Ghost gently cradles her against his chest, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back as the warm water continues to rain down on them. He holds her close, taking in the feeling of her body against his, his heart swelling with a mix of affection and contentment.
He gently lowers his head, his lips brushing against her hair as he whispers quietly into her ear, his voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability.
"I— I'm falling in love with you, too..." He admits softly.
Y/n lifts her head and looks up at him. She gives him a small smile.
Ghost's breath hitches at the sight of her smile, his heart skipping a beat. He gazes down at her, his sharp eyes filled with an intense emotion. He leans in closer, his fingers gently tracing her jawline, his touch light and tender.

"I— I don't know how this happened, or how it's even possible," he murmurs softly, his voice filled with awe and disbelief, "but I can't deny what I'm feeling for you. You've captured my heart, love."
“I’m really glad you guys broke into my house to escape the snow”
Ghost lets out a quiet, husky laugh at her response. He brings her face closer, his forehead pressing against hers, his eyes filled with tenderness and affection. "
I'm glad we did too," he whispers softly, his voice carrying a hint of humor, but also sincerity.
"I think fate had a hand in bringing us together, love. And I'm grateful for it."
Y/n leans up into him, pressing her forehead further into his as she closed her eyes and smiled.
Ghost melts into the embrace, savoring the feeling of her forehead pressed against his, the intimacy of the moment overwhelming his senses. He closes his eyes too, his fingers gently stroking the strands of damp hair framing her face, his touch tender and affectionate.
He remains like that for a long while, holding Y/n close, the warm water cascading over their bodies, drowning out the outside world and leaving nothing but them and the intense, overwhelming connection between them.

Lost & Found - Lowkeyloveloki (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.