A Journey with the Stars - auggierambles (2024)

Chapter 1: Rules/Warnings

Chapter Text

Hello! I've started this kind of..thing!!

First I want to say, this is inspired off of the webtoons, Star Folk. I'm not necessarily sure if they are okay with this, but if they aren't I will definitely take this down!!

Creators user: ml2key

I wasn't going to post this anywhere, but I think it's pretty cool ^_^ and I love the characters, but as I said if the creator isn't okay with like..I dunno, making characters (I know they are okay with that) and making stories with them (I dunno if they are okay with that or not) then I will definitely take it down!!

With that being said, before I start..posting my writing I want to give warning(s) and rule(s) if someone DOES see this!! :3

There is obviously a lot of character death into this, I love killing off my characters heart emoji!
There is kind of mentions of depression
war (that includes the pain that comes with it)
Hints of SA (its not extreme or anything, it's in one part of one of the things I wrote, it's only mentioned once, and that's it!
I'm not going to put myself up for any deadlines..or anything. I have other things going on!!
Queer/trans people,
If you think you'll be triggered by any of this, you don't have to read this!! You aren't forced :3

NO shipping characters, please...I'm obviously going to ship my own characters, but if I haven't specifically gone out and said these people haven't dated / aren't dating, then pls no shipping!! ^_^ I'm pretty fine with everything else!!

Chapter 2: Character introductions and stuff!!!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A Journey with the Stars starts in the 1980s and ends at 1996

To sum it up: Wybie (one of the main characters) is a 30 year old Star; specifically she is a half star, half human. She also has an acid power. Acid shoots out of her wrist, and hurts the person/people who are near them. It's very useful in fights. Most of his skin is pure black, with streaks of yellow and tanish colors. Obviously, the humans don't like the Stars, seeing how they took over their world. So most of the humans dislike a lot of the Stars. A lot of things happened at Wybies house, so he often finds himself at the bar, usually crying her eyes out to random people, especially Carson. He is one of the regulars.

Carson is a full 35 year old Star, with fire powers. Fire will come out of his wrists. He can light fires, keep people warm since the fire built up in his body keeps him warmer than anyone else with a different/no power. He is the second main character, and a possible love interest for Wybie. He has no parents; his parents died in a house fire, weirdly enough Carson claims he was asleep in his room when he smelt fire burning, then jumped out the window.

Another regular of the bar, Katherine. Who is a 50 year old human, watches over Carson, very closely. She also lives right beside Wybie. She is against stars, and looking to pick a fight.

Bliss, who is an angel who took a person's body for them, promising happiness (the girl was depressed). Katherines 49 (more like she claims to be 49) year old partner. She's pretty chill with the Stars, and Wybie's younger brother, Jay.

Jennifer, a full star, who is around 60-80 years old. She is Wybie's mother. She isn't important to the story, but she is important to Wybie's lore. She has no powers that are known.

Johnson, a human, was Jennifer's husband, ‘who went away for war’. Humans against Stars. He is around 78 years old by now, and hasn't came back yet. He'll be important towards the end.

Jay, a full star and Jennifer's son and Wybie's half brother. Jennifer ended up cheating on Johnson because he hasn't come back, and it's been years. He is kind of important. He is also only 7 years old, and has water powers. This makes him extremely cold, and he barely uses his powers since when he does, he has to drink a lot of water to regenerate.

Dove, another full star, who has fire powers as well. She is Carsons best friend, and doesn't really like Wybie, since he is only half star, she could get them in a lot of trouble.

Boa, Doves gf, Dove and Boa are both around 29-30!! Boa is a full human, and works for the AA like Carson does :3, but Boa doesn't really want to. She was born into it, and has a shock collar on, and other devices to shock her because she's tried to go against them, and not listen to them. Sometimes the AA feels a little silly and shocks her for no reason. Carson just has one shock device, and it's around his ankle. I think Boa really loves Dove, but of course the AA makes her do things she doesn't wanna (ex. forcing Dove to show/use her powers.)

AA : ActionAxis. It's a type of agency that takes Stars from their homes, and teaches them “how to act correctly” (basically like humans) and how to control powers !! Right now, Boa and Carson are some of the Employees. They aren't the best but it's fine teehee

I wanted to elaborate on why Katherine hates Stars so much!!
I think some Stars broke into her house, and killed her family. I think she woke up to it as well, and watched her mother die. So she gets rlly scared around Stars, so sometimes she js be shooting them fr!!

I also think she used to work for the AA, but ran away and changed her whole looks and personality. So they are also probably looking for her.


I want to state, I don't draw or anything. I prefer writing ^_^ ignore any mistakes pretty pls...I'm gonna explode/nsrs

Chapter 3: Oh..so this is really bad..huh?

Chapter Text

January 1st, 1980

Wybie's POV:

I ain't never fit in. I don't think so at least.

I'm too dangerous for humans, but I'm also too dangerous for stars.

What sense does that make?

I don't even fit in with the girls or boys.

Since I'm what they call "hermaphrodites" or "congenital eunuchs”

Which, in simple terms, how my mom explains it..

“Oh baby..it just, it just means you're special.”


I'm not nothing special.

I look manly, I don't have a chest like a girl, but everything else from waist and below is girl like.

And my dad always said

“I'll fix it.”

What are you going to do?

Take me apart like a doll, and take away the parts you don't want there? Well..

I know he wanted a son.

I think I'm pretty close enough.

“—Wybie! Jesus…” Jennifer huffed, gripping onto the door handle.

“Hmm?” Wybie hummed, facing away from the door, as she wrote something down.

“I've been calling you for ages! Listen—I need you to watch Lil Jay for me..I'm going to the store.” Jennifer sighed out.

“He can watch himself. What? He is like 10..” Wybie huffed.

“Wybie..he is 12. You can't count, honey..Anyways. Just—go outside with him. You know how Miss Jennifer is..do you remember when she beat you until you were all bloody and—” Jennifer rambled on.

Wybie sighed out, loudly. She stood up and pushed her chair back in.

“—I'll watch him mama. Don't worry..and yes..I do remember. But it's better not to dwell on the past—she's just scared of us. I mean to be fair…I could easily burn away that pretty skin of hers.” Wybie huffed, they walked over to their bed and grabbed their hat, and placed it on their head.

“I know my baby wouldn't do that..” Jennifer sighed out.

“I would, with no regrets. Now, go on ma. You and moonpie be safe, yeah? We both know how cruel those humans can be.” Wybie hummed.

I know what this looks like.

“Really, a 30 year old living with his mom?”

You must think I'm stupid, but I'm actually really smart! I know how to count to 11, and I like to read.

But anyways..I'm kind of forced to live with her.

After the war I fought in, it hurts to stand for so long, so it's just easier this way. And I think she'd go crazy without me.

Since pa ain't around anymore..she needs someone, someone to help her. That's old enough to help her during break downs, to be there for her.

“—I still don't understand why your skin is like that. And mine's just black. Like the void, or the dark.” Jay mumbled, he gently swung back and forward on the swing set.

“Well. Ma is a pure star, my dad was a human. Your dad was a pure star too..so.” Wybie hummed.

“It looks weird.” Jay muttered, looking towards the ground.

Wybie immediately laughed out, covering his mouth.

“Ha—ha..yeah I get that a lot. Well. My face is black, and then it's like someone took a paint brush and painted these yellow colors onto it. Same with my arms..and well my legs are just fully black. My stomach is fully yellow..tan, whatever the f*ck color it is.” Wybie hummed.

Jay smiled a little.

“Hey..it's getting late. I think..we should get inside.” Wybie sighed out, looking over past the fence.

“Okay..” Jay mumbled, and stood up, making his way over to the back door.

Wybie sighed out, and stood up from the back porch.

“Bliss, what ya’ want? Ya’ wife putting her hands onto you?” Wybie asked, making his way over to the fence.

“No..wait hey—she doesn't do that anymore. She doesn't drink THAT much anymore, either!” Bliss huffed, crossing their arms.

“They hit you once, they'll hit you again, baby doll…” Wybie sighed out, rolling their eyes.

“Anyways. I was wondering if..or when you have free time, would you like to come to the bar with me? Jennifer..goes but..” Bliss mumbled, looking off.

“It ain't fun without me?” Wybie asked.

“Do you miss the times we dated?” Bliss asked.

“Oh, man..I dunno. I guess—sometimes? I mean..you got a wife, and I don't know if romantic relationships..” Wybie bit down on her lip.

“You..” Wybie mumbled.

“Honey—wait- it isn't what it looks like!” Bliss huffed, she sat onto Katherine's lap, looking back at the door.

“In my mother's house, really, Bliss? In my OWN bed?” Wybie yelled out, clenching his fist.

“Wybie..you're bleeding. You really need to stop that lip biting, since your teeth are so sharp it's—” Bliss muttered.

“Romantic relationships aren't my thing anymore. Since you cheated on me, I don't want to be hurt like that again. I let ya’...see parts of me I ain't ever let someone see. And while I was away at war ya done took advantage of that time. Did ya even read the letters I wrote to ya? Did ya even care that I got shot in the legs?” Wybie huffed out, clenching his fist.

“I just..” Bliss muttered.

Wybie scoffed and turned around, and walked away.

If I told myself I didn't care anymore then..

Then why am I so upset about it?

Was it the fact that she did see things no one ain't ever seen?

Or was it the fact that she broke my heart?

Or maybe..it was the fact she found someone else better than me.

Everyone finds someone better than me.

“Wybie..?” Jay asked, knocking on the door.

“What, Jay.” Wybie huffed out from the other side of the door, standing up, and wiping her eyes.

“The police are at the door. I think something is wrong..they have moonpie too..” Jay mumbled.


Why can't anything go right?

“Hi officers..” Wybie hummed, gently. Holding onto the door knob.

“Be careful, it's a half bred..” One officer whispered to the other.

“You pay attention to detail..I like it.” Wybie hummed, smiling.

“Sorry about him..sir. This your horse, ain't it?” The other officer asked.

“Ah..yes sir. Well, she's my mom's but..ya get what I'm saying.” Wybie mumbled.

“We found your mother in an alleyway.” The officer mumbled.

“Oh yeah? Is she okay?” Wybie asked.

“Look, kid..there isn't any easy way to put this. We are terribly sorry for your loss.” The second officer said harshly.


So..this is really bad.

“..what?” Wybie asked, blinking away tears.

“We have reasons to suspect it's a suicide.” The same officer huffed out.

“No—my mother wouldn't! You have to look into this!” Wybie yelled out.

“We hope you have a good night, sir.” The other officer chimed in.

My mother wouldn't commit suicide.

We didn't have a lot, but she was happy.

Someone killed my mother, and I will find out who did it.

No matter what it takes.

And maybe..

Just maybe..

I should go and find my father.

Chapter 4: I don't like big groups.


Me when I /e dance on Jennifer's grave (I love my ocs and I'm very nice to them

Chapter Text

January 5th 1980

Bliss held onto Katherine's hand tightly, gently knocking on the door.

“I don't wanna be here.” Katherine huffed.

“Why not, baby? Wybie is harmless. She's very sweet, and funny. So is her brother. Her brother is just..really nosey.” Bliss muttered.

“Those—things are monsters! They took over our country!” Katherine yelled out, jerking her hand from Bliss's and crossing her arms.

“They aren't monsters. They have hearts—some aren't innocent but..” Bliss mumbled, bending down to the tiny plant and lifting it up. A key shined from under it.

“You haven't changed a bit, Wybie..” Bliss whispered to herself, picking up the key and placing the plant down, carefully. She stood up.

“What are you doing?!” Katherine asked, harshly.

“Breaking into a friend's house.” Bliss hummed, pushing the key into the keyhole, they heard a click, and with that she pushed open the door.

Wybie's POV:

I still have a bit of hope that my ma will come back.

Like she always did.

Maybe she's lost, and forgot how to come back home.

I don't think Jay has talked to me since what I've told him.

Is he mad at me?

And it's not like I have anyone to go to, I don't have friends.

I don't trust people.

So, it's just easier to sit here, and do my favorite hobbies.

Like knitting! It's fun. I like knitting things for..

For my mom.

“There you are! Heya Wybie!” Bliss hummed, she made her way over to the kitchen table, and pulled out a chair that was beside Wybie and sat in it.

Of course, Katherine followed beside her.

“Hi Bliss..Wait..Bliss?!” Wybie asked, looking up.

“How—How'd y'all get in?!” Wybie asked once more, surprised.

“Oh, there was a key under the plant. I was worried..I haven't seen you, your mother, or Jay like—for days!” Bliss huffed out, in a concerned tone.

“Police say ma is dead. Suicide.” Wybie muttered out.

“What?! Jennifer wouldn't..” Bliss mumbled.

“Exactly what I said. They ain't gonna’ believe me.” Wybie sighed out.

“At least there's one less star in the world.” Katherine hummed.

Wybie didn't respond.

“Wybie, how have you been..you know—after that..” Bliss hummed, she gently moved her hand over to one of his hands.

Wybie shrugged.

“Anyways…” Wybie huffed, he jerked his hand away from Bliss's.

“..For me, leg pain has been getting worse and worse..and for Jay, I dunno. I haven't talked to him.” Wybie hummed.

I don't even remember the last time me and him had a conversation.

Hell, I can't even remember the last time I ate.

“—Wybie..I asked you a question..” Bliss mumbled.

“Oh, sorry..what'd ya’ say?” Wybie asked.

“I think you should come to the bar with me and Kath!” Bliss hummed.

“But Jay—” Wybie huffed.

“If you don't get your sorry ass out in the world, you ain't gonna find anyone to love, and you'll be sad and alone for the rest of your sad little life.” Katherine butted in.

“Awhh..is little Kathy worrying about me? That's cute!” Wybie hummed, smiling.

“I'll shoot your head off if you don't hush up.” Katherine barked out.

“Fine then..” Wybie huffed, he stood up and placed down a blanket he had been trying to knit for months, and now finally got the time to do it.

“I'll go!” Wybie hummed, smiling.

“Really?!” Bliss gasped out.

Wybie nodded.

“We'll wait for you outside!” Bliss said, immediately standing up.

I don't really like big crowds..

I know people are looking for me. From a very young age, I was told to be careful with who I trust.

Or one day, I may never see the sunlight again.

But this time, I don't have anything to lose.

So, I don't care anymore.

Everything will turn out fine.


“Yes, I understand..” Carson hummed into the earpiece, his eyes landed onto another star, well—a half bred. Long black hair with white streaks of white in it flowed down their back.

“—Stop being a creeper.” Dove huffed out beside him, taking a sip of her drink.

“I'm not being a creeper..that's a guy, Dove. Don't be a dumbass.” Carson sighed out, tapping his long nails that he refused to cut onto the glass in front of him.

“..are you serious, that's obviously a girl..” Dove huffed.

Katherine's POV:

I usually don't care much for these stars.

They are monsters, they all deserve to rot in hell.


I think Wybie is different. He has a bold personality, and I like him.

As soon as they locked eyes, they knew.

“—What! What are you so sweaty for, damn bitch…” Dove whined out, as she beside Carson.

Katherine cleared her throat, and then stood up.

“I think we should leave before we all get too drunk..” Katherine hummed.

Wybie giggled a little, and then stood up.

“..I guess that is true. I do have a little brother at home..” Wybie mumbled.

Bliss stood up as well.

All three of them made their way out of the bar.

“...Now that we are out of that place..” Wybie sighed out, the chilly air of winter tickling her skin, and her hair gently blew in the window.

“..I really hope ya’ know I ain't that stupid to think ya’ really care ‘bout us getting drunk. So…what's on that mind of yours, kathy?” Wybie asked, he looked over at Katherine, who laid against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

“Ah..someone who worked with the AA was there. It's too dangerous for you to be there. We all know what happens to you when you get…upset.” Katherine hummed.

“AA..?” Wybie asked, saying the name like it was curse.

“Yeah. Like the ones lookin’ for your kind. But it was really funny..because he was also a star. Isn't he being a hypocrite?” Katherine asked, blowing smoke out of her mouth.

“Also wait—what happens when I'm upset..??” Wybie asked, confused.

Katherine sighed out.

“Why are you cryin’...f*ckin’ cry baby.” Katherine huffed out, bending down.

“You're a f*ckin’ bitch! You—punched me in my stomach!” Wybie gasped out.

“Oh, man up..at least it wasn't the balls.” Katherine sighed out, she gently placed her hand onto Wybie's cheek.

It was weird because..

His tears were black.

“Ya act like I have those!” Wybie cried out.

“My bad..” Katherine hummed out, she started wiping their tears away.

But was met with a burning feeling, she felt like her finger was going to fall off or something.

“You cry acid. I thought acid only worked in your wrist, but I guess not..my fingers are still burnt from that. I don't really feel in ‘em anymore, either.” Katherine hummed.

They all fell silent, until the bars doors opened, and two people stepped out.

Katherine placed her hand onto her belt, which held her revolver.

“Kathy..no.” Bliss mumbled, she lazily placed her hand on top of Katherines.

“We ain't here to cause problems..” The male star huffed out. The female star beside him crossed her arms, she looked uncomfortable.

“I'm not afraid to shoot your kind. You don't scare me.” Katherine hissed.

“Let ‘em talk. What y'all want?” Wybie asked.

“The name's Carson.” Carson hummed, pushing his hand out.

“I don't do handshakes, but..I'm—” Wybie huffed out, looking towards the side.

“—Me, my wife, and my husband really should be getting home. We have our children at-home..” Bliss hummed, smiling.

“Well..where's this freaks ring? Think I wouldn't notice?” The female star asked, pointing towards Wybie.

“How rude..I lost my ring, sweetheart.” Wybie said, sweetly.

“I don't believe that one bit. You look too young to marry..” The female star responded.

“..Dove stop. I'm so sorry about her, sir. I saw you in the bar, and I wanted to say you looked..very pretty.” Carson hummed, pushing up his glasses.

“Oh! Um..” Wybie stuttered out, looking towards the side. Her face was a deep red.

“C'mon Wybie..” Bliss sighed out, she removed her hand from Katherine's, and grabbed onto Wybies.

“Oh! Wybie? That's a cool name..” Carson hummed, smiling.

“..Isn't that the guy whose mother got targeted?” Dove asked.

“My…you both know things about my ma?” Wybie asked, tearing up.

“My my..you both are so..” Katherine hummed, she pulled out her revolver.

“Kathy—please..they know about my mama! We—we…need to find out. I need to..find out..” Wybie huffed, her voice breaking out.

“Looks like we found his soft spot.” Dove hummed.

Katherine pointed the revolver down to Dove's feet, and shot.

“Next time it'll be your pretty face, darlin’.. Now..how about you both stay the hell away from us, alright?” Katherine asked, sweetly.

Wybie's POV:

I don't think I can do this anymore.

I feel like I'm being watched, now. I mean I always felt like that, but..

It's worse.

Those people, they know something about my mama.

They know what happened to her.

I don't..

I don't want to do this anymore.

Chapter 5: Love is weird.


AVHH I'm so sorry guys I really hope people read this part..ik I do but
TW: this is the part where SA is mentioned!! I swear this is the only time. PLEASE skip this chapter, I could also make another chapter like this one without the beginning!! :3 ik this is triggering 4 some ppl.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

January 6th - 29th, 1980

Katherine, Bliss, and Wybie hung out more and more over the weeks. It was easy to be around each other, they just..clicked.

And then feelings started to brew in the three of them.

Wybie sighed, she laid her legs out onto the ground.

Scars covered most of her legs, even though her star marks covered most of them..

Some were obvious.

Extremely obvious, some of them were big, and a white or gray scar.

She hated that.

And, her hands were all messed up too.

When another soldier demanded she take off her clothes, he forced himself onto her. That was when they found out she had female parts. Well, she fought, and got him off.

Then they ran away.

But, as she always said.

It's better not to dwell on the past, right?

It didn't affect me too much, I don't think..

Well, of course I don't like people touching me.

“Wybie?” Jay asked, peaking around the corner

“Mhmm..?” Wybie asked, he looked behind him to look at Jay.

“..whatcha thinking about?” Jay asked, again.

“A lot of things.” Wybie hummed, they brought their legs up to their chest.

Jay sighed out, and made his way over to Wybie, and sat on the floor with her.

“What is the biggest thought you're thinking?” Jay asked, once again.

“Hmm..I've never had someone ask me that.” Wybie sighed out, she brushed her hair back with her hand.

“Well..if I'm gonna’ be honest..I'm thinking ‘bout two things.” Wybie muttered.

Jay looked over at them, begging for them to go on.

“‘Bout mom, and..Bliss and Kathy.” Wybie mumbled, looking towards the side.

“That's three things, Wybie..” Jay sighed out.

“Hush.” Wybie huffed, puffing out his lip.

“Do you love Bliss and Kathy?” Jay asked, again.

“So nosey, little Jay. But ‘dunno. Like I've said, romantic relationships aren't..” Wybie sighed out.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

“You okay, Wybie?” Jay asked.

“I'm in love with Katherine and Bliss..” Wybie sighed out, heavily. He rubbed his face.

“Love is a sweet thing!” Jay huffed out.

“Not when ya’ in love with two people who are married.” Wybie hummed.

“Well..it's okay cus’ whatever happens, I'll be here!” Jay said, sweetly. He laid his head onto Wybie's shoulder.

Katherine and Bliss POV

“Wonder what Wybie's doin’..” Katherine hummed, laying down on the couch as she smoked a cigarette.

“We were thinking the same thing, babes.” Bliss said, tiredly. She was cooking pancakes.

Katherine groaned out, taking a puff of her cigarette.

Nobody said anything, what were they supposed to say?

“You know..” Katherine hummed.

Bliss sighed out, and rubbed her eyes.

“I read your diary.” Katherine mumbled, blinking towards the side.

“You—hey, that's an invasion of privacy!” Bliss yelled out.

“When we got married, we promised to never hide things from each other..” Katherine mumbled.

“I know but..everyone has secrets!” Bliss huffed, crossing their arms.

“I know you haven't gotten over Wybie.” Katherine said, gently.

Bliss went quiet, and looked towards the side.

“Look, I just..” Bliss mumbled, biting her nail.

“Why don't we give ‘em a shot?” Katherine asked.

“But..you aren't in love with Wybie, Kathy. You hate Stars, even if they are half of one. I'm not going to force someone I love into something like that..you mean everything to me and I..I'm not going to ruin our relationship..” Bliss hummed.

“Now..who said I wasn't in love with Wybie? Cus’ I'll shoot ‘em dead.” Katherine huffed.

Bliss looked towards the side.

“..I'm fine with whatever you wanna’ do.” Katherine said, smiling.

“...How do we..ask him out?” Bliss asked.

Wybie's POV:

February 14th 1980

Sometimes, the only thing that calms me is taking care of lil’ old moonpie.

I love her lots’

I mean, she's a pretty horse. Her coat is white with brown spots. Her mane is white and her tail is brown. She's kinda like me.

Plus, she helped me through war.

I like sitting with her, she's sweet. She understands me.

She's like a dog.

Maybe she is a dog, in a horse's body.

“Ya’ crushing my legs, moonpie..” Wybie sighed out.

Moonpie was laying her head on top of Wybie's legs, they were both sitting on the grass.

“Wybiee!” Wybie heard a voice call out.

“Heya, pretty boy.” Bliss hummed, sitting down beside Wybie.

“Oh..hey Bliss. I thought I was gonna’ have to hurt someone.” Wybie hummed, gently petting moonpie.

“Nono!..why do you feel like you gots’ to hurt people?” Bliss asked.

“AA is after me..did ya’ forget?” Wybie asked.

“Oh..no I didn't forget I just..I dunno.” Bliss said, shrugging.

“Moonpie wants ya’ to say hi to her..I think ya’ should before she starts getting upset, and kicks ya’.” Wybie hummed.

Bliss laughed a bit, and then smiled.

“...Hi moonpie.” Bliss mumbled, still smiling.

Wybie smiled, still petting moonpie.

“Actually, me and Kathy got something to talk to you ‘bout!” Bliss said.

Wybie tensed up, and let out a sharp breath.

“It's nothing bad! I promise..Kathy is just..being A LITTLE SHY, right now.” Bliss huffed.

Katherine sighed out, and slowly started walking towards them, she took a seat on the other side of Wybie, Jesus she could hear them talking a mile away.

“Hiya, Moonpie.” Katherine hummed.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

“So..” Wybie whispered out.

“Me and Bliss really like you, and we would love for you to be our valentine and kind of date us, or something. We totally understand if not but..yeah.” Katherine blurted out.

Wybie's face turned red, he stayed silent.

“..I..would really like that.” Wybie hummed, smiling.

Wybies POV

I would really like that, of course I would. I love them both but…

I know he is watching. He has been watching me for hours.

Carson was his name I think.

I saw him outside my kitchen window.

But that ain't gonna stop me from living my life.

I really wonder if he works for AA..

If he does..I sure hope he doesn't find out I got acid powers.

But, everything will work out.



reminder that all these ocs have a different talking style I'm rlly sry but I CANNOT let my ocs have similar talking styles or I'll explode!! Also!!
Wybie has a lot of pierces, belly button piercings, silly chest (yk what I'm yapping abt) piercings, nose ring, and angel bites!!
Dove has lil silver and gold teethers, I dunno if they r piercings or real r just silly add ons!

Chapter 6: The lawn is dead.


Me when I can't decide who to make the terrible person but I remember everyone makes mistakes therefore all of them are considered terrible in each other's eyes, some r just worse than others!!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

February 20th 1980

Dove POV

I don't like watching her go through so much pain.

It isn't fair she has to suffer just because of me.

Thankfully, when we get all lovely, AA turns off her microphone. So she gets a break, sometimes..

“Boa, yous still there?” Dove asked, in a quiet voice. She gently rubbed her back up and down.

“..mhm.” Boa hummed out, she tightened her grip around Dove.

“Is yous okay..? Do yous need—” Dove huffed out, but was immediately silenced by Boas begging.

“No! No. Don't leave me please..I'm..I'm” Boa gasped out, tears falling from her eyes.

“That's alright, sweetie. I ain't gotta leave…I just knows yous get sick whenever they..shock yous. What'd yous even do?” Dove asked, tilting her head towards the side.

Boa sighed out.

“I tried to..crush my earpiece. I heard they are lookin’ for someone, and I gotta do all the nasty work. You know I don't like goin’ after stars.” Boa mumbled.

“Who theys looking for?” Dove asked.

“Some half bred. It's suspected they got acid powers.” Boa hummed, she sat up. Everything felt like it was spinning.

“Ooh..what they looks like?” Dove asked, again.

“Oh, they got some long black hair, with white streaks and..” Boa mumbled, looking at Doves face.

“What's up? It looks like you've seen a ghost!” Boa asked.

“Yeah I just..” Dove sighed out, her tiny sliver teeth peeking out from her mouth.

I swear me and Carson saw the same guy at the bar like a month ago.

Wybie's POV

I breathed out, and then in.

My wet long hair stuck to my face, and body. Water drops gently dropped down my body, and covered my pajamas.

I think I stare at myself too long, and then I realize..

There ain't a good thing about me.

People seem to like me a lot..

Why can't I feel that too?

Why can't I..

Feel normal?

Carson's / Doves POV

Sometimes, I hate living with Carson.

He is an amazing friend but..

He is betraying me and other people who are stars.

“What the hell did you do, Carson!” Dove yelled out, hitting their hands against the table.

“The right thing..” Carson hummed, blinking emotionless, as he flipped through a book.

“Did you just—stalk a poor person just to turn them in?!” Dove yelled out, again.

“I dunno, Dove. Did I?” Caron asked, he pushed his glasses up with one of his hands, still holding the book with the other.

“You—You are betraying us!” Dove huffed out.

“Do you have acid actively flowing throughout your body?” Carson asked.

“Well..no.” Dove mumbled.

“Then, there isn't an ‘us’ in this. It's just Wybie.” Carson hummed out.

“Jesus f*ck, Carson..what is your obsession with this person?!” Dove yelled out.

Carson just shrugged.

“Ever since your parents died, it's like you've become an emotionless robot. What about other people?! They are just like us, just with different powers..” Dove sighed out, looking towards the side.

For once, she looked so..

So sad.

And worried.

“Wybie is nothing like me, Dove. Or you for a matter of fact. Wybie is..an interesting character. I don't see how a star could be so emotional, but such a bitch at the same time..” Carson mumbled.

“I think you should go to AA, tell them that you are lying or something..a false alarm.” Dove sighed out, looking towards the side.

Immediately, Carson felt a bunch of little needles poke his body, it felt like he was dying, or almost dying more like. Like someone dropped a toaster into the bathtub, and you just have to sit there, and somehow, get through the pain, and survive.

This was all….

Wybies fault.


I think I thinkrhshshsjs I thinks Carson and Wybie should have boss fight!!@ Wybie is too stupid but it's fine he'll rub his 4 very small braincells together (me core when I'm trying to write)

A Journey with the Stars - auggierambles (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.